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Check in the gamemode file if TDM.amx is actually in there. If not, try recompile the .pwn file
That would be because it sees that they are on the pickup so it will resent that dialog. Try run a timer or something to check if that dialog is open, if its not then show them the dialog
In fact after reading your question again. You can use it like that, as long as the als include in included in your gamemode
Is this like an anti money cheat script?
You mean make a stock without a stock? So like 'stock something(playerid)' becomes 'something(playerid)'?
Quote: In your '/do' command You've a small problem there i believe. Didnt see that . Thanks fixed it
Quote: stock IsPlayerNearHouse(playerid) { for(new i = 0; i <= sizeof(hInfo); i++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, hInfo[i][hPos][0], hInfo[i][hPos][1], hInfo...
That shouldnt matter either, that would make it loop while i is less than or equal to
Im returning the size, because I am using the the size as the houseid to lock the house. The looping is fine, its looping as much as it needs to
That wouldnt work because there is no "if" before the else. If I did the else in the loop, it will say you are not in range over 1000 times until it gets your id
I keep getting unknown command if im not in range of a house I own. but if I am in range the command does what its suppose to Here is the command: Код: CMD:lockhouse(playerid, params[]) { new hi...
That partworks perfectly fine though. I need this section to work: Код: GetPlayerWeaponData(i, 0, weapons[0][0], weapons[0][1]); GetPlayerWeaponData(i, 0, weapons[1][0], weapons[1][1]); GetP...
Yeah, every other anti -cheat is logged. But need to get this anti-weapon hack working, and cant see why its not working
Hi Can someone please help me with this problem I am having. The weapons on my server are saving and loading, but now trying to see if players are spawning weapons by comparing the weapons in each sl...
Your rent car... Is it creating that vehicle in game. and if so try put "print("read"); at the bottom of stock createrent. then look in console and see if it says read. if it does then it createrent i...
I dont really understand what you mean? Can you please explain more
Can you show use where you are using "PlaySoundx(playerid)" please. It might be that it is using that function over and over
You are setting their spawn information but you not actually spawning them... use SpawnPlayer(playerid); after the setspawninfo