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scripting and creating high quality systems the way you want for low prices! inbox me
OsvaldoS, you type /taxi to be a taxi driver. and about piloting missions, when you enter a Shamal and type /mission, you start piloting missions
No Zablino I'm sorry there's no translation to it
Good comments people keep em comming, can't wait to hear more lmfao and how about you try the script then please us with your comments
San Andreas Freeroam & Roleplay How it started: Freeroam and Roleplay is a gamemode created by me from a long time ago, came back to scripting and now it's done, and I'm not free enough to run a ...
This Local Host error is annoying, my local host doesnt start with 127, pretty stupid thing to add tbh. other than that, good work!
Hello everybody, I'm a really experienced scripter, completely trustworthy, I can deal with Y_INI, creating commands, creating anti cheats, creating maps, and alot more. This is a video of my old ser...
also simple if you're using y_ini record when was the house last visited in the house ini file. then create any general timer in your gamemode for (1/2 real life hours, my opinion if u have a busy ser...
Didn't happen ever before I guess. I remember reading a post years ago abt the same topic and no way was defined
Or use OnPlayerUpdate PHP код: if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid) > 99){   SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 99);} 
PHP код: new currentveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);             new Float:vehx, Float:vehy, Float:vehz Float:z_rot;           GetVehiclePos(currentveh, vehx, v...
PHP код: public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) {     new         name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]      ;      GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));      if(gTeam[playe...
I'd just use PHP код: if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, x, y, z))  and make the coordinates inside the pay n spray itself. don't complicate things up
I have the same problem with my vehicle system, but it gets fixed whenever the server is restarted. so, it won't appear now, but once server is restarted, it loads everytime. ps, i miss you mate sup
Don't bump your post on the same day.
check for Z rotation, not for the vehicle hight. Here
show us your OnGameModeInIt codes, and show us the server log.