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Thanks, but still, how to assign these to the variables?
Hello, i got the following code. I want to get the top 5 players ordered by score, and use them in a format. How to assign the stuff from the database to the variables "name" and "score"? Код: C...
Hello, i wanted to break my code down to different files to keep the overview over it all. I heard that i can store commands and other stuff in .inc files, but is it worth doing, or am i better with...
Hello. I have the following code. As you can see i check if player is near a point, and randomly assign another one to drive to. But how to exclude the pickup location as dropoff location? Код: ...
Hi, i've got these coordinates: Код: new Float:Destinations[2][3] = { {1730.7352,721.9785,10.8203}, {1800.2280,-2036.9574,13.5235} }; How to check if the player is near any of them?
Hello, i have the problem that i cannot check if the player is an admin. I store an int in my database, i want to compare it in an if statement. You can look at the code below.
Thanks! Just found it, and it works perfectly.
Hello, i have one question. I haven't touched pawn/mysql in a while, but now i decided to come back and make a server from scratch. I want to begin with saving playerdata in my database, just a "re...
Thanks! I think it's enough tutorials for me ^^ Now i will learn and own it. Cheers, Agiss100
Hello, i searched for a actual MySQL Tutorial, but didn't found anyone that's good explained or "on-time". I also would know which MySQL plugin is "the best", or is it not important? Cheers, Agiss1...