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On most FPS games nowadays you can hold a certain key down to zoom in and get a better view of whatever you are looking at. I want to replicate this on my gamemode but I'm not too sure if it's possibl...
I managed to fix the problem. I probably posted this prematurely. It appears that the player is still registered as being inside the vehicle when OnPlayerExitVehicle is called due to the time it take...
Hello. I'm trying to make a code that will put a player back into their vehicle if they try and exit within 3 seconds of just recently entering it. I seem to be having some trouble with it though as i...
I haven't tested it ingame, but it should work I guess. PHP Code: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart) {     new Float:HP;     GetPlayer...
You want the player to spawn back into the derby after dying? You could; PHP код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) {     if(VDMS[playerid] == 1)     {     CallRemoteFunction("OnP...
This should work, I guess. PHP код: forward DestoryVeh(playerid); public DestoryVeh(playerid) {     DestroyVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));     return 1; } public OnPlayerSt...
Quote: Originally Posted by Whatname try to check if player logged onplayerdisconnect if yes save all stats then set logged to false or zero It saves OnPlayerDisconnect with my stock (s...
not tested PHP код: CMD:backup(playerid, params[]) {     if(IsACop(playerid) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] == 3 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pDivision] == 2 || PlayerInfo...
You have set the anim to loop, so it won't end. If you want to stop an animnation without creating a command you can; PHP код: #define PRESSED(%0...
Thanks. It worked fine as "Player's Data" previously (changed anyway ty). I tried an old copy of the gamemode to confirm my suspicion and it's not a gamemode error. It's updating live when I'm ingam...
Quote: Originally Posted by Yashas I appreciate the response but I'm not quite sure how this helps in my case. My "INI" were working...
Update; the .ini file(s) update after changes ingame (admin, kills etc) but gmx or closing/restarting samp-server.exe and they all reset back to 0.
I think he wants to disable/revamp damage taken from falling (anti-fall damage). You can use; for that I guess.
It looks more like the riot_angry animnation to me; ApplyPlayerAnimation(playerid,"RIOT","RIOT_ANGRY", 4.0,0,0,0,0,0); Image riot_angry;
I was updating my pawno\include folder and deleted all the includes (there was a ton of includes I didn't believe were required) and started fresh with the updated includes. (!)My gamemode finally co...
Alright, thank you. I'm still having trouble with the script though because there are more than one vehicle per team. I tried this, I had no errors, yet the script still doesn't work :/ You are allow...
Update; Okay, I found the error but I am still not sure how to fix it. If I join "GANG_US" I cannot enter the last vehicle (I removed most vehicles so the above wasn't cluttered) added to "OnGameMod...
202 I tried this, added it to my gamemode and compiled without any errors. However when I tried to test the script ingame, it simply didn't work. I tr...
It's fixed! Thanks for the help everyone rep+