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Hello, There is a problem with my server. The server doesn't show for some players (0/0) and they have to refresh many times to see it.. I don't know the source of this problem... Can someone help me...
PHP код: public SavePlayerData(playerid){    new query[128];    pData[playerid][pFightStyles] = GetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid);    if(IsLoggedIn[playerid] == 1 && ...
It's juste a game. We're maybe addict to this game because we're teenagers but when you become an adult, you forgot games and you think about serious things. (Sorry for my bad english but I want to ex...
I've found an other animation, similar to this one. Thanks
I've got this problem two months ago. You'll have to use timers to detect if a player is inside a LSPD Vehicle etc.. OnPlayerEnterVehicle has some bugs so..
Try to use a newer mysql version with threaded queries. To check for you ban, you are going to use something like this: PHP код: stock CheckForBan(playerid) {     if(gettime() < time)...
191 1:00 to see the animation.
Use gettime. If you want a ban system with days: PHP код: CMD:daysban(playerid, params[]){    new days, id, bantime;    if(sscanf(params, "ui", id, days)) return SendClientMess...
I was searching for this animation's name because it's the only one that takes damages from a weapon when the player is down.
I've already got an issue with this but it was fixed, I don't know how but you have to put a newer version of the streamer.
Pourquoi le return 1 au dessous du dialogue d'inscription ? Enlиve зa, зa sert а rien. Je vois qu'il n'y a aucun bug dans le code d'enregistrement. Faites de print pour voir si cette derniиre est...
Yop yop Je dйveloppe un gamemode en mysql mais un problиme handicape l'avancement du gamemode : comment checker si le joueur existe dйjа dans la BDD ou pas ? J'ai essayй la mйthode des mysql_t...