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pawn Код: CMD:level1(playerid,params[]){    #pragma unused params    new PT[1900];    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] > 0)    {        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1)     ...
You do know you have to release the source code along with your release right? Other than that, good job.
pawn Код: UPDATE profiles SET `Test` = '0'
It's great, I mean there's snippits here and there for similar functions, but it's nice to see something small and useful, it'll be a great aid to a lot of people and save a little time, although like...
Konstantinos method was correct. Most of the above check if they're leader and on duty or just a member.
You might be interested in this: [INC] Progress Bar
Quote: Originally Posted by Hade. I have those under OnPlayerDisconnect You're right, those should be made into a separate function and saved upon OnPlayerDisconnect or on a reasonable ...
Matnix, how is your code going to work if you're detecting if they're an RCON admin upon connecting? They don't have any time at all to actually log into RCON if that's used upon OnPlayerConnect.
Volt Host doesn't work the same way as localhost phpmyadmin. Their databases you have to setup (on the main server portal page) which gives it a predefined parental (yours would be 11071_) so try conn...
The issue is you're setting the variables (on saving) to the variables of PlayerInfo[playerid][Money] (which is reset to 0 on OnPlayerConnect), but I don't think you're changing the variables e.g unde...
That's due to the fact that the interiors are mapped over those locations, I suppose you could modify the include / filterscript to detect whether the players interior (GetPlayerInterior) is equal to ...
Like Eyce said, you can embed colour codes in RRGGBB format by wrapping them in { }. These two websites are wonder...
You would want to look into OnPlayerDeath to process the first two requests. As for the final one, that is relatively simple. pawn Код: // Toward the top of your UsedKit[MAX_PLAYERS];/...
Quote: Originally Posted by juanrivas Is it a new VPS? If so install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 This is clearly hosted on Volt Host, by Dedicated he means the statement within the consol...
Try loading the filterscripts from the Gamemode, I suppose there could be issues reading the server.cfg: pawn Код: SendRconCommand("loadfs fsname"); Put those under OnGameModeInit().
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Actually say what you changed and why, instead of just posting some code. How is he supposed to learn if he doesn't/didn't know what he did wrong? He i...
pawn Код: forward CheckPlayer(playerid);public CheckPlayer(playerid){    new string[256], PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], EscapedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];    GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerName, sizeo...
I had the same problem unfortunately, the only way (theoretically) would be if there was a way of detecting the X,Y of the mouse and knowing the size of the textdraw. Hmm, who knows, for now, we're s...
This is just the code behind the possibilities guys, you have to implement it to work with Textdraws, Dialogs, etc, he has only made the core code (although he did hint at a future update!) OT: Good ...