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samp-async-dialogs Async dialog handling with PawnPlus tasks. Installation Simply install to your project: Code: sampctl package install AGraber/samp-async-dialogs Include in your code and begi...
Quote: Originally Posted by maikeel what have you been doing for 8 years in samp? lmfao, check vcrp and shut up Yes, it's possible, but at what cost? Having to implement such a system f...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor (updated 11/2018) Yοutube and Vimeο links are allowed again, but please consider these sites may not be gamer-friendly behind the scenes. Prefer alte...
When using Kick(playerid) inside OnPlayerStateChange, and the newstate is PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER, the server crashes: 0.3.DL Windows: Code: [22:11:08] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error [22...
That traceroute you posted is made from the website's network, not your actual internet conection... You should use the built-in command with Windows: In a command prompt: Code: tracert
Even funnier to see that scums like to be with their kind of people:
Quote: Originally Posted by Kshishtof Boys trying to be smart! You literally started this thread saying "stolen SA-MP Source code, explain??" and now you're mocking SA-MP. wtf is wrong...
Quote: Originally Posted by Unrea1 A Spanish fool is dedicated to throw sa-mp servers for a week and eliminate the Spanish community from the forum, the Russians steal the source code and ...
Para o servidor, ter vбrios timers й аs vezes mais leve para o servidor. Em temporizadores separados, o servidor pode ser executado um por um enquanto o servidor executa procedimentos internos, enq...
In the TestText function, the function is accepting an array (text[]) from any size, because of that it can't know what size the array is. When you try to use the strreplace function, the function tri...
I can't login to the wiki! Will it get fixed?
your code will compile faster with this, use it!
Quote: Originally Posted by KinderClans Ok so, i have added this include in my server: Which allows 0.3.7 clients to connect to my 0.3DL server...
The original error shows a vehicle being destroyed inside a foreach loop, in other words, removing an item from an iterator inside a loop, which is known with YSI to cause problems. Although maybe th...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi This is also someone else telling me, that (in THEIR WORDS) my 'scripting career' was non-existent... Seriously... you said that in your own post wtf
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi You can highlight to me how many PAWN jobs are on there? Good chance there are none so your 'scripting career' is non-existent. scripting != pawn ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi I was never going for a scripting career, because there is no such thing... yea, so this is bullshit, woah how many people being fooled...