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Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor The plugin isn't banned. Once someone is banned from the forum, they can't release things here anymore. Rather than find all the existing links and moni...
Quote: Originally Posted by cuber That's scientifically proven brother. They even tried to remove Kalcor's & other credits but failed so hard. EDIT: What's up with the title though lm...
I was shocked today to find out that the F.C.N.P.C plugin was banned from the forum (thread, plugin and even the term itself is now blocked), taking away with it years of research, work and contributi...
So that you don't bump your topic to the top every time, there was a rule to address this issues but i can't find it anymore.
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Practise, its all about practise ! read few tutorials about the language basics, then start easy with some small applications/exercices, its gonna be hard at first, but don"t worry, it'll get easier w...
right before "for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { "
You're simply not converting the ammo string to integer, add this pawn Код: ammo = strval(tmp2);
The best player in what ? Deathmath ? Roleplay ? Race ? and there is no such a thing as "offcial SAMP forums award" or "best player in SAMP", so no
Quote: Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus Why bother using FCNPC for this? Most people can't use that plugin and you also don't need it. And whats exactly your problem with it ? You just t...
Quote: Originally Posted by MyU About that Linux crashes, the crashes are caused by the hooks (exepect the bitstream write hook). Didnt digged too much, but it seems like your Addesses for...
@Kikito: you've pobably forgot the .def file
Quote: Originally Posted by [vTc]Patroool Have you got permission from the author ? yes.
its obvious that the second parameter type is mismatch, my first guess is that the "strreplace" function that you're using takes 3 strings as parameters, which in this case you're passing one string a...
pawn Код: stock IsLetter(c){    return ((c >= 65 && c <= 91) || (c >= 97 && c <= 123)) ? true : false;}// Under on OnDialogResponsenew bool:valid = false;for(new i = ...
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 What about if the arguments aren't met? What are you going to do then? You haven't provided an else in that block. Thats up to him, what he wants ...
Quote: Originally Posted by nor15 PHP код: if(strlen(inputtext) <= 1 )         {         //Do Something         }  Put this under Your Register ...
Quote: Originally Posted by BlueX Hello, i'm using devc++ can i use the same code? As far as i know, SAMP plugin SDK is only compatible with Visual Studio IDE, due to the need of the .d...
Quote: Originally Posted by fiki574 Where are the letters here? it generate letters from its ASCII code, just test it
Quote: Originally Posted by fiki574 pawn Код: // Code pawn Код: //Code Possible outputs: Код: Random string: aTzuiJKLoFdacVb Random number: 665 or pawn Код: stock ran...