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He is trying to say don't use strings at all, Use implemented functions to extract the integer and fraction, This "probably, I'm not sure" should be faster than using a string Explained as much as I ...
Okay, I tried it few times and it works fine; How did get it to be like this, You said it happens rarely so you just kept logging in and out till it happened or had the debug all the time ? Also, igg...
pawn Код: public UpdateLmsTxd(){    new LmsString[32];    format(LmsString,sizeof(LmsString),"Players Alive: ~r~%d",PlayersAlive);    TextDrawSetString(LmsTxd,LmsString);    if(PlayersAliv...
Debug to find out..Check thier current state when you type it. Also try this pawn Код: CMD:weapons(playerid){    //{250,300,1500,1000,1200,1300,1500,2000,2100,500,500,2100,2400,500,3000}    i...
[quote=jeffery30162;3588815]I do have a lot of saving on my server in the mysql database but it only saves every 30 minutes or when I shut down the server. Also it saves the players data when they dis...
Quote: Originally Posted by Counterafk ^ Is pretty much all I got I right now. How does the script know which of the 3d arrays above have to do with each area? Does it do it automaticly or...
Not too important, but why are you using those local vars for rows and fields, consider doing this. pawn Код: public LoadHouses(){    HouseCount = cache_get_row_count();    for(new i; i <= ...
Quote: Originally Posted by jeffery30162 could you explain to me what happens? His code simply applies a running or walking animation to a player toward the other player.
As I understood, This should do pawn Код: new Chat[MAX_PLAYERS], bool:ChatForPlayer[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYERS];public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    Chat[playerid] = false;    for(new i; i<MA...
Try this out, make sure the numbers shown match the one in the array, also try /test if it didn't work.. pawn Код: new const Float:RandomSpawn[][] ={    {2306.0535, -1446.5651, 24.0000,    75....
Quote: Originally Posted by ChromeAmazing What are you trying to say? I'm saying that I didn't understand him, and you seems like you did.. No sarcasm intended
Quote: Originally Posted by unSatisfied 1 works (haven't tried 2, mind explaining that that does in comparison to 1?) 1 PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL Shows all the markers to everybo...
You could also, for a little memory optimization(I think), get rid of "string2" and put pawn Код: (GetPVarInt(id, string)) ? ("{33FF33}Completed") : ("{FF3333}Not Completed") right where you use ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ChromeAmazing Uh, I don't think we can do much about that, it's all up to the host to protect you against Distributed Denial of Service attacks. I'm amazed y...
Every type of weapon has a slot, so whenever you take it it'll get in that slot or replace the one on it, you don't need to check all the slots, just the one holding the weapon. As for "WEAPON_GOLFCLU...
Vince already gave a possible issue. Quote: Originally Posted by Vince this is likely caused by the column being declared as a text type rather than an integer type, in which case the col...
Using "0" inside ShowPlayerMarker turns markers off, use 1 or 2 Quote: 0 PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_OFF 1 PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL 2 PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_STREAMED
Something's probably wrong with your database, This query works should work, I don't understand why do you use "LIMIT 0,10" and not just 10 though ?
This should work, IF the "AdminVeh" array's probably created, show me how do you create the admin cars..