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See, I went to Shadowplay Live Support, and they indeed told me its something to do with Shadowplay (for me). I tried disabling Shadow mode, but my game still crashes on alt tab? But when Shadowplay i...
Quote: Originally Posted by Death1300 pawn Код: mysql_format(mysql, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `Admin`='%i' WHERE `Username`='%s'", pInfo[playerb][Admin], GetName(player...
We have a makeadmin command. Now when we try to update the database to SAY the level we set. It doesnt. We have a printf to print into the console, and it does. So it cannot be liking the mysql_tquery...
Quote: Originally Posted by CutX the only line which could trigger the "unknown command" message is this here: pawn Код: pInfo[playerb][Admin] = level; for example, accessing an invali...
Quote: Originally Posted by Wizzy951 Make sure the plugins in your server config file are alphabetically assembled. Done, but this has not done anything.
Quote: Originally Posted by ATGOggy But what is this: PHP код:    if(level > 4 && level < 1337) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COL_ERROR, "ERROR: Inv...
Quote: Originally Posted by Death1300 pawn Код: if(!sscanf(params, "ui", playerb, level)) Tried this, then Unknown Command doesnt even show.
Well, I made a admin system using sscanf and zcmd, but it keeps sending SERVER: Unknown command. We have a return for Server Unknown Command, but this isnt the problem. It sends Player Is not connecte...
Anyone? Please I need this fixed.
If thats the case, how come it wont let us login in?
Here PHP код: case DIALOG_REGISTER:         {             if (!response) return Kick(playerid);             if(response)             {     ...
We have a login system, however, if we compare our real password, to the inputted password, it removes the first character of the real password, thus, making the inputted password seem incorrect. PH...
Ok, its getting what they're typed in, but it wont retrieve their real password. When it trys to retrieve it, it says NULL.
PHP код: pVariables[playerid][pPassword] = cache_get_field_content(0, "Password", dest); 
I have a login and register system that uses MYSQL. For some reason, even if the user enters the right or wrong password, it says that the password is incorrect, any suggestions? PHP код: pub...