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What is your forum using to save accounts, mysql? (Most of the times, it'd be yes) Did you script your gamemode to support mysql?
You're probably using different coding methods to load them. Attempt to convert into AddStaticVehicleEx your vehicle codes.
pawn Код: // On top of your scriptnew playerAFKCount[MAX_PLAYERS]; // ->Var// On OnPlayerUpdate(playerid);public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){    playerAFKCount[playerid] = gettime(); //Unix-time...
Well, insted of making a new timer and all, for this simple thing. I would just show you how to do it. pawn Код: // on OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){    if(GetPlayerMon...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos ORM is used to execute any query for you, so when a player registers and using orm_insert will do that automatically instead of format the query an...
You'll need to firstly declare actual zones, and then you could make this command easily. pawn Код: #define DEFINED_MAX_ZONES 50enum quickSkeli{    zoneName,    Float:zonePointers[4],    zo...
I am not going to download teamviewer for this, either you post your include and gamemode here or in my PM. Or I can't help you.
You're trying to call something out of a include, that is inside a gamemode/filterscript. Did you connect them both to pass the same data?
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos It's a good tutorial. It'd be nice if you used ID for each player and use orm_setkey function as well. When a player disconnects, orm_update should...
I've actually had this in mind, pawn Код: CMD:goto(playerid, params[]){    static allowed;    if(strcmp(params, "disable", false) == 0 && strlen(params) > 0)    {         if(...
A quick and basic tutorial for anyone, about an account system with MySQL-R34, if you need to know more about ORM(Object Relational Mapping). Read the tutorial by AndreT. EDIT: Added saving with ORM....
If you could, explain what's happening. When the pawnocc crashes and provide pictures for this type.
Create this error again with a -d3 state. Create a pawno.cfg and add -d3 there. Post the new error after it. (also, the error happens inside OPJV_OnPlayerKeyStateChange not actual OnPlayerKeyState...
Attempt to include mysql like this: pawn Код: #include <a_mysql> If you got everything right, it should work.
The first one is a quick formatted message, it's the same as: pawn Код: new string[128];format(string, sizeof(string), "hello %d!", playerid);SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string); The second o...
I'm attempting to create a custom function upon sendLongMessage, pawn Код: stock SendLongMessage( playerid, color, string[], max_chars=80){    new MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE = 80;    if(max_chars)  Â...
What exactly stops them from fighting with their melee? Might be problem with player-to-player syncing. Some players might experience a player being actually more then 1.0Z above the surface making th...
Are you using some special arguements to complie? See if you have a pawno.cfg inside your PAWN folder. If you don't, try to complie the script fully first untill it says, "OK." and shows the window w...
It's a known spammer, it's define by itself to "advertise". The site is a very well known for their cleo hacks. The only fix for this, is detecting if he is sending messages too fast and stopping him...
pawn Код: if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 20.0, X, Y, Z))        if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_CIVIL[i])            if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(i) < 4)                if(IsFrozen[i] != 1)   ...