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Hello! As the title says, I have a problem with strpack. The thing is, I'm making an event system using dialogs. ... So, I made a dialog to set the name for an event (inputtext), and it works like...
It really works! So, guys, I'm really thankful, to all of You! Especially Banana_Ghost (will add credits for You all), thanks again!
Hello! I'm making an in-game object edior, using 0.3e's EditObject(); function. And I made 3 commands and they're: /co (create object), /eo (edit object), /do (destroy object). And the thing is the ...
I made it and it works now, here's the code: pawn Код: COMMAND:v(playerid, params[]){        if(sscanf(params, "s", Vehicle)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF81414FF, "USAGE: /v [name]....
pawn Код: error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) pawn Код: CMD:v(playerid, params[]){    if (sscanf(params, "u", Vehicle)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF81414FF, "USAGE: /v ...
Mate! It really works! I'm so greatful, thank You so freaking much, i love You! Now I can finally continue with my work... will add rep!
Thanks for replying... But this isn't working, as it has to be a float. I just don't have any idea why this isn't working...
Here's the command: pawn Код: CMD:West(playerid, params[]){    if(sscanf(params, "f", West)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xF81414FF, "USAGE: /west [Amount].");    format(String, sizeof...
Man, awesome! Also, don't listen to this [uL]Pottus idiot, he is posting bad comments everywhere. Some people should more respect others people effort and work.
Okay now... I got a problem,huge problem,it's about Gamemode... Well now,i was updating my gamemode (commands),i wanted to test it out,and yes finally something good IT WORKS. I wanted to test it ag...
Thanks works greate now.
Nice but,if you get killed to you spawn in that Gun Game and if you got killed you r still Blue or Rec color and skin? I like it tested,everythings work nice. +1
i was looking for this,but i couldn't find it here. When player holding KEY_FIRE nitro have to be on,but when stop holding KEY_FIRE nitro stops. I really,really need that!! Please if someone can h...
Oh works now thanks man!!! You r the best!
Disable Spawning OnSpawnPlace after /Specoff... And can u tell me where u want to spawn after specing? On the place before spEcing some player?
Well i have a problem with EditObject i did new Ramp1; new Float, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); Ramp1 = CreateObject(playerid,18780, x, y, z, 1.1); And that works good,no e...
Good Job man. BTW is that neons with your name?