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Hello, i want to to load and register system but i have one problem. Example: I register nick Cool_Guy and if i login with nick Cool_Gu it will show login screen not register. Код: stock RegOrLog...
Hello, i want to to load and register system but i have one problem. Example: I register nick Cool_Guy and if i login with nick Cool_Gu it will show login screen not register. Код: stock RegOrLog...
Код: new mp33, laikrodziai, fotikai, navigacija; Код: stock Load_p_Prekes() { mysql_query("SELECT mp3,laikrodziai,fotikas,navigacija FROM p_Prekes"); mysql_store_result(); new resultline[20...
Objects not hiding i tested many ways, but still didn't hide.Object is showing but not hiding Код: CMD:zibintas(playerid) { if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 1)) { RemovePlayerAttache...
What eror and warning i get Код: C:\Users\Luko\Desktop\real-c modas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(32098) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Users\Luko\Desktop\real-c modas\gamemodes\band7....
Код: if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0 , -1195.59155, -1021.71301, 131.74001 )) { if(playerDB[playerid][specialybe] == 42 || playerDB[playerid][admin] >= 4) { if(!Vartai[1]...
There its all my gaemode.Not a filterscript
Server crashing i dont know why 15:42:05] [debug] Server crashed while executing gm.amx [15:42:05] [debug] AMX backtrace: [15:42:05] [debug] #0 native SendClientMessage () [080cd800] from samp03svr [...
Код: SetPlayerSkin( playerid, SAVEREALSKIN[ playerid ] ); new fetch[16], Query[256]; format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE Vardas = '%s'", GetPlayerNameEx[pl...