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Hy guys i want to make a dynamic signature on my UCP . I created this script but..... the result is not what i want. Source code: Код: <div id="userbar" class="tab-pane"> <div class="pro...
Hello guys, i have a big problem with my server after i move it to mysql r39-2 from r6 I get this error Код: [02:00:36] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQ...
Is not working. I think the css has something wrong while runing on LINUX or on WIN 7 x32 , my dad PC has Windows 7 x 64, mine has x32 Can somewone tell me how can i resolve this bug ?
Hello guys , i have a problem with my panel if i try to open it on my pc look like : On my dad pc is working fine .... but i don't know how to fix it Do you know how ...
After 24-36 hours ( it depend by the number of players online) my server cant open any file. I add , but he found nothing ! So i add some logs and i saw that this problem always appear ...
So ? what should i do ? EDIT: I rename the function in OnPlayerUpdateEx , and now the functions OnPlayerUpdateEx is called in OnPlayerDisconnect and in OnGameModeExit Sorry for my bad english
Hello guys , lets say every 24 hours my server just crash ... why ? P.S: I have to restart it becouse you cant do anyting its freeze . Server Log ERROR ! Код: [18:15:37] Incoming connection: 7...
How can i verify if a trailer is attached to a car ?
Hello guys , how can i check if the car is in point x,y,z ?
Recompile your GM with -d3. In you pawno folder make a file ( pawn.cfg) and in this file type -d3, save it. Then recompile your GameMode , you will see that in debug mode will show you the exact line ...
First : Код: [13:24:46] [debug] AMX backtrace: [13:24:46] [debug] #0 000437d4 in public Itter_OnPlayerDisconnect (playerid=0, reason=0) at C:\Users\Adytza\Desktop\Diverse\BpgZone\SAMP BPG\gamemode...
I tried with your solution but it didn't fix my problem
Help ? It dosen't fix the problem
Hy guys , i have a big problem someone enter on my server and crash the players around him.What can i do ?
Yea... and you help me a lot . I have already done that .
Hy guys i have a problem with my JunkBuster . It crash the server . Can you help me ? Код: [00:43:26] [debug] Server crashed while executing JunkBuster.amx [00:43:26] [debug] AMX backtrace: [00:4...
86 Check !
pawn Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart){    if(team[playerid] == team[issuerid])    {       new Float:health, Float:arm;       if(GetP...