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Yes, now it works. So I won't be able to choose the gate's object ingame :/ ... Thanks for help.
Nice idea thanks. But before I try this. Maybe I found the problem. I added this command: Код: COMMAND:id(playerid, params[]) { new string[60]; format(string, sizeof(string), "ID: %d", GATE_OBJ...
No, I made the mistake only in the post....... And I edited it. I tested more, and it places something. An invisible object.
Hi! I've modifed a script because I want to choose the gate's object. So it complied wihtout errors or warnings, but when i use /placegate [!] and it says Succesfully placed a gate, but doesnt plac...
Hi! /hat command is working, but /removehat doesnt work. Can u explain me the problem? Код: new = hat; COMMAND:hat(playerid, params[]) { hat = CreateObject(19352, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); ...
Hi! I'd like to make 3 textdraws on the screen. One that shows the player's currect interiror and one for world and one that shows the number of nearly objects, or all objects. How to get it to?
I've added something with Dini_IntSet and now, i want to see this when I use /get command.
And how to put it into sendcilentmessage? Pls help me!
Hey, i need help in using dini. How do i get out information from a .txt file with dini? And with ZCMD? Thanks!
... It mustn't teleport! I haven't made teleports or something like that.
Now it works but, it dissapers when arrives at the coordinates... How to fix it?
Hi! Here is my problem: When i use Код: MoveDynamicObject(model, Pos2[0], Pos2[1], Pos2[2], speed); it works fine. But when I use this: Код: MoveDynamicObject(model, Pos2[0]+Pos[0], Pos2[1]...
Код: enum { DIALOG_x, DIALOG_y, DIALOG_z, DIALOG_model, DIALOG_delete, DIALOG_x2, DIALOG_y2, DIALOG_z2, DIALOG_move } new long:model; new Float: Angle[3]; new Float: Po...
OH! You right!!! I've correct it. both. Now, nothing happen when i use it :/
Sorry.... I changed it, but still got the problem.
Here is the codes of my mod. The problem is, when I use /move2 and then I type the id the object is disappear Код: enum { DIALOG_x, DIALOG_y, DIALOG_z, DIALOG_model, DIALOG_...