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Okay i got it to all work and stuff but when i do the whole /buyveh it uses the dealer car and then sets it to my car but still has the same textdraw as the dealer car like it just adds the txd for ow...
Ok so My admin system. We cant do anything to anyone over ID 4. Or it does it to us. The Admin system is in the gamemode I use. I fixed every other bug with the gamemode. Just not this one, Any help?
Quote: Originally Posted by Romel I mean, Do you make sure you unfreeze the player in the public callback Fuel. pawn Код: public Fuel(playerid){new Float:health;new veh;veh = GetPla...
Quote: Originally Posted by Romel Show us the callback called fuel. Maybe you not doing the TogglePlayerControllable there. What do you mean...
Ok I have problem with /buyfuel When using /buyfuel it says Refuelling but then your car freezes and you cant get out or nothing once its done. Code: pawn Код: if ( (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIV...
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 Was the script you're trying to load based around Strickenkid's MySQL plugin? If it was originally a different plugin, no wonder it isn't loading! ...
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 READ THE FORUM RULES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! Now, let's solve that problem: Clearly the plugin is not loading. Check your server_log.txt file to see i...
How to fix! Anybody. Im really confused.
XhardTruckers. Strickenkid Plugin.
Ok I have a Mysql database and my gamemode is using MYSQL on a Linux server, so I have Logs: Код: [14:15:44] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect' [14:15:44] Error: Function n...
Quote: Originally Posted by Scrillex pawn Код: SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RACE, "*** %s won race (/drag)","*** %s wygraі wyњcig (/drag)"); Show line before this... Код: 207:...
Quote: Originally Posted by T0pAz Use the Pawn Tag next time. [pawn] [/pawn] pawn Код: SendClientMessageToAllLang(COLOR_RACE, "*** %s won race (/drag)","*** %s wygraі wyњcig (/drag)...
207: new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][player_info]; 272: SendClientMessageToAllLang(COLOR_RACE, "*** %s won race (/drag)","*** %s wygraі wyœcig (/drag)",Player(playerid);
C:\Users\customer\Desktop\The Ultimate Freeroam\The Ultimate Freeroam\gamemodes\freeroam.pwn(207) : error 009: invalid array size (negative, zero or out of bounds) C:\Users\customer\Desktop\The Ultima...
Quote: Originally Posted by SilverKiller Yes, but you have }; at the end of this and i know there are others down (test my code if it works, correct me if im wrong :/) Fixed it!
Quote: Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky I did search! Can't you read.
Quote: Originally Posted by SilverKiller pawn Код: {"Some airplanes parts have to be taken to Abandoned Airport",true,8000,-104.9665,-326.2715,1.1569,367.5729,2540.7354,17.1799} Expla...
Код: C:\Users\customer\Desktop\Gta stuff\SAMP Servers\Utest\gamemodes\public.pwn(44) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\customer\Desktop\Gta stuff\SAMP Servers\Utest\gamemodes\...