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Quote: Originally Posted by oMa37 This should work, You were returning the message when the InCamMod variable was 1. I tried it again, the command is working now but not perfect. If I o...
The command is to spec another player if he is Admin Level 5 or higher. Then the script check if I am InCamMod (in Camera Modus) if no then I can use spec and if I type /sp again it turns off If I typ...
This is my code: Код: dcmd_sp(playerid,params[]) { if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if(AccInfo[playerid][InCamMod] == 0) { AccInfo[playeri...
Quote: Originally Posted by haikalbintang It's really confusing when i read your code But i clean up your code & use an dialog for your stats here : PHP код: #define DIALOG_S...
I know how to create a dialog and I tried it a few times, but I dont know how to add the stats into the dialog box. I want to like: Player Stats's Kill: 10 Death: 5 Ratio: 2.00 Money: 60000$ Time: 2...
I want to change that /stats will be shown in a dialog box. Its from the Lux Admin Script Код: dcmd_stats(playerid,params[]) { new string[128]; new pDeaths; new player1, h, m, s; if(!strlen(...
That's what I mean ! Thank you [REP+]
This is my Script for Autorepair: Код: public AutoRepair(){ for(new i=0; i<GetMaxPlayers(); i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)){ new Float:fVehicleHealth; GetVehicl...
Finally, it's perfect. Thank you so much (REP+)
No, my Command is working but he shows all SendClientMessages.
Код: else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR_YELLOW,"** Usage: /givecash <PlayerID/PlayerName> <MoneyAmount>"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR_YELLOW,"*...
Hello guys, I made a /givecash command for my script. I want this: /givecash Player1 100 If I send a player money I see in the chat: * You sent $100 to player1 and the player see in the chat: * ...
Thank you but can you say me what you edit and where the Problem was I gave you rep
If I use /setlevel my Level change in Game but not in my database is there a mistake in this line ? PHP код: format(query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE user SET Score='%i',money='%i',AdminLevel='%i...
PHP код: ocmd:kick(playerid,params[]) {     if(!IsPlayerAnAdmin(playerid,3))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"You need to be Admin Level 3+ to use this Command"); Â...
Hello guys, I want to say the player if he clicks the ok button after he has register. But only if he not gets the Error Message This Message: PHP код: SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELL...