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I would agree, 3rd party launchers are annoying. Just make an anti-cheat using the game script.
Pro tip: Don't use INI, use SQLite or MySQL.
I used to have this problem. It ended up being an issue with my GTA audio files. Anyways, maybe show the code that's playing it?
Off topic, but I was surprised at your English after seeing the second language in the script, lol. Most people on here speak like, "So guys I maked script and I get error, I not know how fix, please ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Darkwood17 You should not return the message: Код: if (sscanf(params, "ri", para1, level)) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{00E6FF}USAGE:{FFFFFF} /makehelp...
Change Код: if (sscanf(params, "ri", para1, level)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{00E6FF}USAGE:{FFFFFF} /makehelper [IDJucator/ParteDinNume] [level(1-4)]"); To this: Код: if (sscanf...
Quote: Originally Posted by D3vin Thanks, i feel dumb lol it works No problem, it happens bro! Glad I could help.
Line 41032: GivePlayerMoney(playerid, price);
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos You need to check each variable individually. pawn Код: if(!HouseInfo[h][hEntranceX] && !HouseInfo[h][hEntranceY] && !HouseInfo...
Код: if(HouseInfo[h][hEntranceX] == 0.0 && HouseInfo[h][hEntranceY] == 0.0 && HouseInfo[h][hEntranceZ] == 0.0) { SendErrorMessage(playerid, "There's no exterior set for this...
You can use GetVehicleVelocity to get the speed of the vehicle. There is a tutorial here explaining how to do it.
Version 1.4 has been released. v1.4 Added the ability to copy an object using /editobject [id] copy. Added the command /gotoobject to teleport to any dynamic object.
Yes, I hear you. And "I say you", you must provide some code so that we can help you.
Yeah, I can see your code from here. It looks.. bugged!
Use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint and ApplyAnimation. (Animation List)
You need to be more specific on your problem, and provide some code for us to associate your problem with so we can help you fix it. We are not magicians, we cannot see your code from here.
Version 1.3 has been released, addressing another discovered bug, and the tweaking of a command. Enjoy!
To help you learn, check to see if the player is at either position (open/close). Then get the objects position. is the object in the opened position, or is the object in the closed position. Then, mo...
First problem: Do you have any anti-cheats that detect players' health? Might want to check for that. Second problem: I have never tested that, but I scripted a filterscript ( Actor Studio ), where yo...