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Oh, really-really nice. Thanks, keep up the good work
Ok, so AddStaticVehicle is only for OnGame/FilterscriptInit, and CreateVehicle is for any part of the script?
Hi! I'm working at a filterscript - car ownership, and I'm confrunting with a big problem. My algorithm for create a vehicle is: - The player are introducing the values in some dialogs ( like modeli...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bikken By making a batch file. I'll make a sample one now if you want to see it Yeah, I'm wanting to see an example. Thanks !
Hi! I'm developing a 'soft-client' for sa-mp, and I want to know, if it's possible, how can I open directly SA-MP with a server, without to open sa-mp client. Thanks!
I founded - I'm using by registry files. Thanks a lot for all good answers.
I don't want this .. I want to know how to find the installation path ( with a programming language, in my case, VB.NET )
Hi! I'm working at a software for sa-mp .. and I founded a problem which it stopped my work. Ok, I want to know how do I can find the installation path of GTA San Andreas ( or sa-mp, sure ). Thank you...
Quote: Originally Posted by Skaizo eu crezum ca ai facut cu programul c++ PS:bun pentru incepator 8/10 C++ nu este un program, este un limbaj de programare.
Quote: Originally Posted by Allx +Rep, cu ce l-ai facut programul? Este codat оn Delphi.
Quote: Originally Posted by reagat Thanks for it. For nothing. I'm happy because you're using this tool.
Quote: Originally Posted by 007Skyfall Nice work! Thanks.
I'm still developing it. For suggestions, please, reply at this topic. Thank you for comments.
Hello niggaz, Am facut un programel, pentru a va veni in ajutorul vostru, la creearea de dialoguri. Are o interfata simpla si este usor de administrat. Fara prea multe palavrageli: - Screenshot: ] ...
Hi! I ( StoNe- ) was made with FarSe, a little program for PAWN Scripters ( beginners, pro or blacksheep ). I want critics and suggestions. Enjoy! - Screenshot: - Download: - Sourc...