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Quote: Originally Posted by Kindred Are you saying "if I use this (DisableInteriorEnterExits() will I still have my business icons and so forth?" If so, yes, those disable the default doo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kindred Are you saying "if I use this (DisableInteriorEnterExits() will I still have my business icons and so forth?" If so, yes, those disable the default doo...
Well if I type that code in there is still the /enter and /exit icons? Can anyone please help me? I do use all of the default filter scrips and two of my own ones - they are both in my sig. http://im...
Well, I am using the audio thingy, and whenever I start the script I get this, - Код: Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Seek' *Note I am ...
Well I get the run time error 19. Here is the server file - Please telll me what to do or send me a link to the fixed server folder Here is the error when ...
It is giving me the run time error 19 Can anyone help?
Can anyone help me make a local chat and then a command like /g for global chat?
Just wondering if I can use new Float, Float:y, Float:z; and GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); more than once in a script without a overlap
Right I have been looking at this code pawn Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason){    // Declare 3 float variables to store the X, Y and Z coordinates in    new Float:x, Float...
Does anyone know how I would set someones virtual world so I can have many houses with the same interior?
Can anyone show me what I would put in my script to make a command effect a player like /taze [playerid] I cant find help for this on the forums if you can please give me a link otherwise please show ...
Can anyone help me with turning these two /cuff and /uncuff commands into a command where I can type /cuff [playerid] Here is the code I want to turn into this. pawn Код: if (strcmp("/cuff", cmdt...
I want to make jobs like arms dealer or car jacker, so could anyone leave a tutorial in the comments so I could do things like this /getmaterials only for a arms dealer or /dropcar only for car jacker...
Can anyone help me I want to make jobs for my rp server but I dont know how. If you can I would like a tutorial so I can do things like /getmats is only for a arms dealer or /dropcar is only for a car...
Quote: Originally Posted by JoelR I have a problem with spawning. When I log-in, I die. The code for logging in can be found here: pawn Код: stock LoginPlayerData(playerid){    Has...
Quote: Originally Posted by cChaD Hi all, I have a big problem, when i'm in a faction it's impossible to access certain parts of OnDialogResponse for example, when I do / help menu appea...