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Quote: Originally Posted by BenzoAMG Alternatively, I think you should set the Kick(playerid) to a 500ms timer, just to make sure that he receives the "You have been banned" message. Yu...
Well first to get the string input you should use sscanf and zcmd: pawn Код: CMD:somecommand(playerid, params[]){new string[128];if(sscanf(params, "s", string)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ...
Make sure that pPass is hashed. Otherwise make sure the password you enter is case-sensitive.
Try to replace the pawn Код: KillTimer(JailTimer[id]); from the command code to the pawn Код: public unjail(id) {    .....    }
targetid is not defined, which function or callback are you using that function call in?
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Quote: Originally Posted by King Ace /dance 1-3 with ZCMD. I know how to make the animation, but don't know how to make the /dance 1, /dance 2, /dance 3. If you have sscanf: pawn Code...
Quote: Originally Posted by costel_nistor96 I'm curious why it isn't included in a_vehicles. Same, should have been added in 0.3x, I guess the team forgot to add it or something.
Forget my last post, I see what kind of command you're trying to make here. Include this at the top of your script: pawn Код: native IsValidVehicle(vehicleid); And use IsValidVehicle(vehicleid) i...
Car IDs range from 400 to 611 inclusive so check if the variable is smaller than 400 or bigger than 611. If yes, send the error message. Not sure this is the kind of command you're trying to make, if...
Quote: time - Timer in milliseconds. For a never ending loop it should be 0.
Show me the function that begins with 'public' and the forward to it.
Kyle, I don't want it to be a never ending loop though..
Replace it with: pawn Код: if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)    {    print("PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER");    print("GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)");    if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(play...
What exactly is wrong? Here is the stock: pawn Код: stock ApplyPlayerAnimation(playerid, animlib[], animname[], Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time, forcesync){    ApplyAnimation(pla...
Don't bump after 15 minutes.. For the first error you either already have that function in the script or you have it in an include. The function can be found in '' so if you included tha...
Just change the problematic line to this: pawn Код: new Float:dmvspeed = GetPlayerSpeed2(playerid);
Everything is good in OnPlayerUpdate, you know the bug I meant is that you can't see the other player's animation correctly right? Rewatch the video if not,
[ame][/ame] I got this: pawn Код: ApplyPlayerAnimation(playerid, "ON_LOOKERS", "wave_loop", 4.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1500, 1); I've made a custom ApplyAnimation...
This means the file doesn't exist. To create it you need to make a file handle: pawn Код: new File:hFile = fopen("fileName.txt", io_append);