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No offense, but fix your grammar as it's really a difficult task to understand what you're trying to explain. What is that SetBanCamera function? Show us the code please.
Well, the main effects to use to make a track are made by the plugins. From what I know Skrillex uses the plugin called 'Massive'. For main software, you could use Ableton or Fruity Loops.
Quote: Originally Posted by Basssiiie I wanted to go to Tomorrowland, but I heard it was sold out within minutes after the sales went live. Actually they split the total number of tick...
Quote: Originally Posted by feartonyb Me & my GF too Need lots of cash though Well, IMO it's worth it.
Quote: Originally Posted by Potassium You mustn't have a very interesting life yourself if your free time is spent on forums insulting people who are using their free time to further their...
I'm actually planning to go to TomorrowLand in 2015 since the 2014 one already starts today :P
Great job! I've always wanted to make a home automation system and I'm currently building a prototype, but it's different than yours. I'm controlling everything via bluetooth with an Android smartphon...
Quote: Originally Posted by PunkLorD It's like your aiding us to learn arabic insult words.. Exactly.
Isn't this supposed to be under the category of 'insulting'? Other than that, I knew some of these words.
Quote: Originally Posted by dugi No, whoever "they" are a bad news source and you shouldn't believe in everything they say, 2 are dead, 18 injured. Anyway it was an explosion caused by a ...
First picture: أرز آرت العقارات استثمار عقارى - تملك حر إدارة عقارت - بيع و شراء Second picture: وفرة العقارية
Adjust your streaming distance. Also check if it's occurring to all the players or is it just you.
London = لندن Fish and Chips = بطاطس و سمك
Quote: Originally Posted by Emmet_ Roleplay is dead. Much respect to the older members who are actually opening up RP servers that are original and unique. It's also lame to see people op...
I tried once to make a minecraft server. Was just a test. I only used a Raspberry Pi (Model B), an SD Card, a Soft-float Debian "wheezy", Imaging software and a SSH Client.
Not ordered, but I like them all!The Mentalist The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory NCIS CSI:NY Bones Top Gear Family Guy How I Met Your Mother White Collar Burn Notice
So you want a paid theme for free? Seems legit.