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your query is incorrect you don't need to tell it what the value of faction time is if that's the value your trying to receive, remove the '= %d' from your query
If you need to use a loop to format all of your SQL fields for queries then you're doing something wrong, you can just manually write them, it's bad practise to have too many fields in a table
tbh using strtok now when you have so many much better options seems like a complete waste of time, if I where you I would stop using it EDIT: just to show you what this command would look like using...
You need to find out why it's not working, add some prints, get the values & see if they are correct. pawn Код: if((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE)) // B...
pawn Код: if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 4) you are checking if the player is less than level 4, you need to change it to >= 3, for more than or equal to 3/
I would say that you don't have the correct library installed on your server, you should be able to use the static version and get the server running, you should focus on why your server is crashing w...
You need to spawn the player once he has logged in, not once he has been cleared from the ban check, you should spawn the player under the 'SQL_Account_Check' callback, ofcourse only after the player ...
You need to add all the proper closing and opening brackets to your script, i can see by looking at it that it's not properly indented and you are missing some closing brackets. the switch statement ...
I was wondering about this a little while ago, i remember you could do something like: pawn Код: UPDATE `houses` SET `HouseOwnerID`= (SELECT `ID` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '%s') WHERE `HouseI...
You need to re write your banning system i'm afraid, you don't need to store any of that information on the server when you have it saved in your database why not simply just have under OnPlayerConne...
pawn Код: for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++)    {        VehInfo[vehicleid][VehMasterID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i,"MasterID");        VehInfo[vehicleid][VID] = cache_get_field_conte...
seems very strange, are you sure there are more than 9 vehicles in the vehicles table? if you are, then try putting a print inside your loop to pinpoint exactly when it stops and post back the results
You need to make your weapons server sided, the same as making an anti money hack. You should think out your weapon system and how your going to d...
The problem is most likely the place that you called that function from, if the playerid value hasn't been set it will return 0 by default and will mean it will only work for playerid 0
Thanks for the reply, I understand how format works and the uses of it, I did that as an example to show it's not working. I'm using format to display the players ammo, pawn Код: format(str, siz...
the 'u' is to be used for player ID's and user names try using 'i' for other integer values.
I don't usually ask for help, but for some reason this very simple piece of code has got my head spun upside down for last hour, for example, this piece of code will display the textdraw fine pawn Ð...
change this: pawn Код: gCapZone[i][czCappingTeam]=gPlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam]; to this pawn Код: format(gCapZone[i][czCappingTeam], sizeof(gCapZone[i][czCappingTeam]), "%s", gPlayerInfo[playe...
CreateObject returns the ID of the object created, so you can just do: pawn Код: new oID = CreateObject(model, X, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 300.0); oID now holds the object ID.