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This is a website which is operated by my friends, It provides server banner, player count image, dashboard which can monitor series of servers and even JSON API for SA-MP servers. Example(UIF): http:...
This is a website which is operated by my friends, It provides server banner, player count image and even JSON API for SA-MP servers. Example(UIF): A...
hello, my server always crashed in no sign, here's the crash infos. Код: -------------------------- SA-MP Server: 0.3.7-R2 Exception At Address: 0x0040531E Module: (samp-server.exe) Registe...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sithis Note that a serial may never be a good replacement for experienced staff members. Invest in your staff to keep your server populated, clean and friendly...
As we know, there's many of hacker use cheating tools around SAMP servers, it's a hard work to ban them one by one. Although we can script some anti-cheat system but it could now protect the server 10...
Anti-Ammo Spam v1.0 Prevent player from using ammo spam hackINTRODUCTION As we know, It's easy to let a weapon have a minigun's bullet firing speed by memory hack, It was serious hurted the fair, espe...
there like have a simple way.. Код: public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) { new msg[256],Float:health; format(msg,256,"OnPlayerGiveDamage: Playerid:%d ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Krakuski I've found a bug, Whenever you close the command prompt, the furniture seems to lose its rotation, I've tried clicking the link, but it doesnt direct m...
Furniture System v1.0 Carring the furniture and place it to your house,garden and everywhere INTRODUCTION I only help my friend(Jin_Zhi) to release this script to forum. It did not made by me. This is...
MXP(MAXPLAYERS).INC Send Message When Server Players Exceeded The Maximum Number Of History And Save INTRODUCTION Hi all. This is my first release include, it will send a message when server players e...
HCount For SAMPShow Server Player Count On Website With PHP and RSign APIINTRODUCTION This is a software who show server player count on website with PHP and RSign API,affiliated to HCOS(HuiCheng Ga...
Quote: Originally Posted by iAnonymous I need an admin control panel like Ban . Kick . Unban player. Can u make it ? I will pay u also . @ontopic really good one Now I added that com...
what firework name of that, i am very interesting of that.
Quote: Originally Posted by iAnonymous I need an admin control panel like Ban . Kick . Unban player. Can u make it ? I will pay u also . @ontopic really good one Thank you for your c...
Quote: Originally Posted by Champ Nice Filterscript thanks
Server Admin Control Panel V1.0.1 A simple server admin control filterscript with dialog INTRODUCTION Hi all. This is my first release filterscript, a simple server admin control filterscript with dia...
Quote: Originally Posted by Isolated I hope you requested permission to use the official download links, old version links, templates, pretty much everything, as it's all copyrighted mater...
Quote: Originally Posted by AaronKillz Do you even have permission to use their design? It doesn't even look good I know so I add these words to the website footer. Quote: W...