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Try This : PHP код: CMD:test(playerid, params[]) {     new panels, doors, lights, tires;     GetVehicleDamageStatus(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),, panels, doors, lights, tire...
Hey, i have a code's and.. i think they really good.? but when i do /StartGame The Timer Is Get Furious .. Thats Changing To 9000, -17:55... like that. code's : PHP код: new GameSeconds = ...
Its Still Make it raise. i will do it in math if i got 500k. i want to buy, a black color, cost 1500$ its do it : 500K • 2 = 1,000,000 - 1500$ i have now a 985,000$. New dialog Pwn Code : PHP ко...
hey, i'm have a tuneing system i maid, but why its raise money and not down it ? here the dialog response... PHP код: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inp...
85 - INClude - FilterScript
hey, i saw a link here about a vehicle missels, i download it(in pastebin) and i mean, thats gave a include and a filterscript in patebin. i didnt know how to install a include, so i open a pawno, an...
here is a pastebin of the mod.
am.. i got like 1000 lines about the case .. and the list items... how can i give u it..?
PHP код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) {     if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/tunecar", true) == 0) {         new playerstate = GetPlayerState(playerid);      ...
Guys.. i have it. Really, i can give code's of u want..
Hey.. i Got Some Dialogs i create. when i use command, its show the dialog. but when i choose something of the list on dialog, its just quit from dialog. how can i fix it?;O? if you need an example...
Hey, i Have a commands like /N, /Rainbowcar, But, i want if the player will have 10,000$ So its will give him it, and if no, its will say that he cant, look my commands. PHP код: if (strcmp(...
HeyAll ! i Want to Do a Signboard With Score, Like : Red %d, Blue %d amm... i dont know how to do it ... Look, My " new " its , ASc + BSc.. here is a code for example.. PHP код: if (strcmp("...
what u mean...? how can i fix the code?