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Hey guys! Looking for someone to script me this: I want member/admins in my server to use [HS] Tag on their name. If someone that tries to go in the server with [HS] tag and he's not a [HS], system...
Hey samp community! A need someone to script me this if possible. I want to create a command for admins commands, /acmds. Would work like this, If ADMIN LV1 - lv1 admin commands - blablabla If AD...
Hey Samp Community! Is it possible to make a script with only one button? Like ===RULES==== = 1.fffffffffffff= =2.ffffffffffffff= =3... = =4.... = =5.... = ===="OK"=...
Changed return to 0 still not working And not using dialog id in gamemode...
Can someone tell me why is not working? I need OnDialogResponse to work for me...
Код: // FS for rules #include <a_samp> #define FILTERSCRIPT #if defined FILTERSCRIPT #pragma tabsize 0 //Msg Defines #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA //Dialog ...
Hey samp community! Everything I do OnDialogResponse doesnt work for me! If (response) SendClientMessage ("example") doesnt work. I tested on rules and weapon Dialog and nothing happens. If someone...
Se voces nao estгo enteressados, nгo falem do que nгo sabem! Tenho 2 amigos que correm servidores e tem scripters que conseguiram assim... Obrigado na mesma, pois ignorancia da minha parte nгo hб...
Olб caros companheiros! Estou б procura de um scripter para o meu servidor. Caracteristicas: -Inglкs; -TDM; -2 equipas, America vs Europe; -Corre o Zadmins 4.2 by Zuc; Quem estiver intereзado ...
Well the dialog should open when we use /weapons.
It's not seding the SendClientMessage and not kicking... Don't know why. If someone knows, please post here.
Can someone script me a weapon menu working for 3.0e? I would like it to be as a dialog and sending clientmessage when you buy it... OnDialogResponse doesn't work for me, thats why I can't make it....
Well guys, I scripted a Rules Dialog. But OnDialogResponse doesnt work for me. I wanted to make like: If player response = SendClientMessage "Thanks for accepting the rules" If player response == 0...