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Show us register file, how you register the data in file.
Nice thing but give us more information about this "pause and back". You mean AFK, didin't you ? Anyway, congratulations for script, it's a start.
Show us public payday();
Код: CMD:akill(playerid, params[]) { new string[128], playerto, sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] ,giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; if(sscanf(params, "u", playerto)) return SendClientMessage(pla...
Код: if(pInfo[playerid][pLogged] == 1) { new str[128]; format(str, sizeof(str),"» {B4B5B7}[CMD][%d]%s: {91F21B}%s",playerid,PlayerName(playerid),cmdtext); SendMessageToAllAdmins(st...
Hi, i dunno how to convert this command from strcmp to zcmd & sscanf. Maybe other members who have necessary knowledge can help me. I tried to convert but unfortunately command doesn't work exactl...
I don't understand what you meant to say ...
In my opinion using foreach is more efficient than SetTimerEx .
I don't understand what you want to say. What do you want to give you when you kill someone ?
Wow. Nice release, adri1. I think this is the best "copy" of siri on SAMP. Just keep going with this.
Quote: Originally Posted by crouch010 Am reusit intr`un fel sa sterg sa nu imi mai dea kick daca nu am cont,doar ca acum nu imi cere parola iar cand dau /stats imi zice "you are not logged...
Код: CMD:buyhouse(playerid, params[]) { for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(hInfo); i++) { if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < hInfo[i][Price]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You don't have ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SumX I tried again something.But it isn't working.Only it saves ,loading failes,my variables are resetting to 0. Hey!What's wrong here? It is saving but it is ...
Quote: Originally Posted by CaRa You forgot to load in ongamemodeinit Код: INI_ParseFile("Teams/TeamLimits.ini", "LoadOneFile", .bPassTag = true); Place it in OnGameModeInit So, w...
You forgot to load in ongamemodeinit Код: INI_ParseFile("Teams/TeamLimits.ini", "LoadOneFile", .bPassTag = true); Place it in OnGameModeInit
Код: forward GetClosestPlayer(p1); public GetClosestPlayer(p1) { new x,Float:dis,Float:dis2,player; player = -1; dis = 99999.99; for (x=0;x<MAX_PLAYERS;x++) { if(IsP...
Quote: Originally Posted by AndreT Oy, I have another few things to say here... 1) Your command does not require sscanf parsing. It has one parameter only! pawn Код: CMD:changeemail(p...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrawkC You probably didn't use it correctly, look it up on the wiki.. it shows you an example and it WILL work for what you're doing. Quote: Origin...
Quote: Originally Posted by PrawkC You can use strfind to check for the character. I tried to make with strfind but doesn't work Can you give me an example please ? Or to make me for '...