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Hello, Can you please tell me how to put an image textdraw (filterscript) to login/register? Thanks!
have you put at the start of the script "#define DIALOG_WEAPON" without "? if not put it and try again + rep me to help others
you need the includes and the plugins up to date, please upload the first part of the Gamemode, Thanks
you can login with rcon(/rcon login (password)) and then do /rcon gmx and the server restarts
Do you speak romanian? Esti Hunter pe care il cunosc? There is no problem with the code, did you put the same password to both accounts? try making a new account with other name than hunter - no clant...
I cant download it, can you re-upload it to other website?? thanks!
i have seen an problem like this, if you dont need the npcs delete them, if you dont know how, search for them, and delete all the sentence starting with the one upper than { and finishing with }
try to use a simpler class selection, without spectating, like class selection an spawn, with some music if you want.
on server.cfg is maxnpc, put the max with 1 more than your npcs, this should do
do not forget to corectly fill all the pharanteses and use ;
1. search for an anim list fs on the search tab 2. bad section 3. edit your post and put -delete- instead of all the text! and -delete- to the title too!
1. make sure you have at the begining of the script #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA 2. make sure at the string you use "
there are some things you can do to remove it, but it works only for you, so it is imposible to do anything, you can mask it, with objects.
1. delete your account 2. update the includes you are using 3. try and if it doesnt work show me the code of you gm
update the includes that you use, that could be it!