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Hi, Why this code is don`t work? Код: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER){ TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,...
How get time for function gettime() and show this time in TextDraw?
How to get the current time with the game player gettime (), and so as not to reboot, after the player's death?
I have this code. If i have in 0 $ save in database then payment entered in the amount of. Where is a problem? Код: if(dialogid == BANK_PAYMENT) { if(!response) return SendClientMessage(p...
I have this code. It`s not working. What I doing badly? Код HTML: new exp[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if (killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { ex...
Ok. All is OK. Thanks.
Potrzebuję pobrać z bazy ten wynik dla, ktуrego `Vip` = '1'. Jeśli jest to można wykonać komendę, a jeśli nie jest ( `Vip` = '0') nie może.
Hi, I have this code: Код: stock SprawdzVIP(playerid) { new bufferSprawdzVIP[127], nick[24], bool: istnieje = false; GetPlayerName(playerid, nick, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); mysql_real_escape_string(ni...
Your code working good, but if player dead time reset itself. How repair this problem?
Ok this code good work, but if player exit game and again login, time count anew. Yours code work once.
I count time in OnPlayerSpawn. OnPlayerSpawn: Код: SetPVarInt(playerid, "GraszDzis", GetTickCount()); OnPlayerDisconnect: Код: new czas_gry_ogol[128]; new Hour, Minute, Second; gett...
It does not work. Set the time for 30.
Hi, I have a problem. Create this code in callback OnPlayerDisconnect. Код: new czas_gry_ogol[128]; new Hour, Minute, Second; gettime( Hour, Minute, Second); format(czas_gry_ogol,sizeof cza...
Hi, How to import SQLite database to MySQL database? There is an option? As I click on the "import" in my database and choose a file with extensions. Db, I received this error: Quote: #10...
Hi, At the beginning sorry for my english. I need help in programming MySQL. How to set up the database? I have this code: Код: #define MYSQL_HOST "" #define MYSQL_USER "" #define MYSQL_PASS "" ...