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The maximum characters that OnPlayerText allows are 256. ID cannot be more than 1000 which means 4 characters at max. Your text length is about 49 characters. I'm assuming you want to create so tha...
I believe this image will help you understand the design of the database, although, this is just an example.
I will give you an example for this one, since it is the one I've been using and it works. Code: GetCountry(playerid) { new country[32], message[128], name[24]; GetPlayerName(...
Well, every time you create a new achievement, you create it for the player, or the player name or character name or whatever you want to use. You need to create a table that has 2 foreign keys. One f...
It should be, yes. But the thing is, you forgot to set 'arrayIndex' to 0. Also, the sscanf part seems to be okay.
Firstly, please use the correct section of this forum as this is the English section. Por favor, use a seзгo correta deste fуrum, pois esta й a seзгo em inglкs. Uma mensagem pode aceitar atй 2...
Code: LoadPlayerAchievement(playerid, achvid) { // Get the MySQL query new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `pID`, `achvid` FROM `achievements` WHERE `pName` = '%s' AND...
You do not need a variable for every achievement. You will perform MySQL database queries to select the achievement you want to load into a variable. Then use that variable to do whatever you want. I ...
1. Have you made sure you had all the required files? 2. Have you used a string to store the name of the country, city, etc? Please come with the code that you tried.
As I said, the idea of this tutorial is not the code itself but the concept of how to implement the code. There are many great tutorials out there for a way better code for flying hack check, this is ...
Introduction Hello, for those of you who do not know me, I've been here for quite a while. I have created several gamemodes and scripts, some of them I published here, and some of them had laid waste...
So what are you telling me is that I sould do something like this? Code: enum PLAYER_CARS { //etc variables Vehicle[MAX_PLAYERS_VEHICLES] } new P_CARS[MAX_PLAYERS][PLAYER_CARS] And then r...
So, let's say I have a table populated with a player's car (player_cars) and another table called server_cars, that car also has properties. I want to load every single car into the script. My Questi...
So I tried to send an email with a php code for an account confirmation, all good untill I type my email then I get this Edit: Error 400 Bad Request Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XH...
I'm trying to make an email confirmation for my script Here is the php code in my xampp server The problem is that whatever I"m doing the email is not being sent... Code: <?php if( isset( $_GET...
Nice song choice, lol. This is a cool ideea and maybe of good use for some servers. Well done.
Code: --i // It decreases the value first and then asign it to the variable The other one works the other way around.