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Quote: [F]eatures:Anti-Money Anti-Healhack Anti-armourhack Anti-Airbreak Anti-Speedhack Anti-weaponhack Anti-Jetpack Enjoy.
As stated above, spawn so many vehicles up to 400 cars in 5 seconds, and he'll have the lag that takes up 5 second to respond.
Well, for me, it's impossbile to press enter while on the fence to get inside a vehicle. But G does work for me as it teleports me to the passengers seat when I'm passed the fence with no pass xD
Hmm, perhaps it might be your vehicle mods. Try removing them, or re-install GTA with a whole new gta3.img in order to stop preventing to crash.
Quote: new Float:fMyHugeFloat = 9995499.24; new Float:fMyFloatPI = 3.1415926535; Fill that out with your details.
Hello, everyone. My friend and I are working on a LVCNC server, with a great scripter. I got this idea off my friend, that if we use Stevo127's SFRCR gamemode, and transfer all the checkpoints to La...
Hmm, if you're quite experienced with PAWN, script an advanced Cops and Criminals gamemode based on LVCNR! That would be fabulous.
Hmm, especially the orange Phoenix creeped me out, never saw any colour like that.. and yeah, stated above, it's impossible to fix it. And no, it has nothing to do with the color textures in the game...
Tierra Robada gives less attention to players. Less population aswell.
Well, I could acknowledge the sense that you're new to scripting. If you want a bot in your server to help you protect against hackers, etc. Here's a AntiBot, a quick search I did for you. https://...
Quote: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(response) { switch(dialogid) { case 1:// Our dialog! { switc...
Yes, after doing "ESC", you do retrieve a mouse freeze to move it around. What's best for me that works is that I press ESC again, then I return back to game and it moves correctly. That's the only ...
208 Insert the include and plugins into your server directory.
The best option is the re-install GTA. That would hand you a clean gta3.img without any error shit.
Try enabling gta-sa on your firewall. Re-install SA-MP & Gta.
Try this. Edit the items/selections you want on your one. Good luck. PHP код: public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(response)// They pressedÂ...
Can you be more specific and tell me what type of auto saver? A car auto saver? If yes :