Search Results
Код: format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name, banned, kills, deaths FROM users WHERE kills>deaths ORDER BY kills-(deaths/2) DESC LIMIT 10"); mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result(); ne...
I made a file "ratio.ini" I opened it, its like pname kills 123 pname deaths 123 I need to get only where kills > deaths And list it from the higher to the lower. is that possible? how?
Код: public AreaCheck() { for(new i, m = GetMaxPlayers(); i < m; i++ ) { if(IsPlayerInArea(i, -2158.000000, 1918.755737, -2133.312011, 1926.421630)) { if(EnteredArea[i] == 0) ...
Hi, im making an area taking over system, took some from cod5 gm, but like. I've put a timer on the gamemode init SetTimer("AreaCheck", 1000, 1); And when i go to the g...
i need to know when his drifting, or anyway to get like, exact things, because what is up there could be working, but is just confunsing me
pawn Код: #include <a_samp>forward Drift(playerid,vehicleid);new Drifting[MAX_PLAYERS];new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;new Float:nx,Float:ny;new Float:tang;new Float:ann;new string[256];public O...
166 it has 5 shifts, the car stop a little when changing, you need to release all buttons to pass the shift, now it takes only a little of vehicle health when try to pass th...
yes i had gave objects from gutoo....and thanks to the WWE arena creator
First Thanks to CMG and to The WWE Arena Creator. its a WWE Minigame, the first ones that goes go to the fight and the others go to watch Mirrors allowed fixed
it's because you need to convert and almost all of those fs has more than 250 objects so you need to use YSI or Y_Objects
DOWNLOAD LINK MIRROR Above is the download link it comes with seven maps Monza Grand Prix Drop - Going Down Rally - BIIIIIIIIIIG Karting place - GOOD Vice City - only a part Half Pipe - and full pi...
i want to make a fs of tuned spawned cars...but, how i make it, new tunedcars[10] tunedcars[1] = AddStaticVehicle.... and how do i make the AddVehicleComponent?