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Looking for serious guys to start a new gaming community which will host few game servers like : samp , cs , cs , tf2 , etc. Basically need scripters , server managers / moderators and a web designer ...
Looking for serious guys to start a new gaming community which will host few game servers like : samp , cs , cs , tf2 , etc. Basically need scripters and web designers. I provide host , domain and so ...
Acu ma apuc sa citesc si daca nu e mentionat nimic tot e bine . Unele persoane zic ca oarecum se poate , eu o sa incerc .
Pai si ce fac cu viteza aia ? Cu netu care il am acu hostez server cu multi playeri. Eu o sa fac asa : ma duc la ei si le cer sa-mi explice , le fac panarama acolo pana imu respecta dreptul sa am ip s...
Si cat costa astea ? Ca o pun pe mama sa-mi schimbe asta ca si asa am viteza cam mica )
Numai atat ? ) Mi-ai dat o veste buna , maine ma duc sa le zic ; cam ce ar trebui sa stiu , numele abonatului e de ajuns ? Altceva nu mai stiu . Mersi.
Salut , Se poate cere ip static la rds ? Este vreo metoda sa dau o suma de bani ( nu prea mare ) pe moment , sa nu imi bage in nas abonament business sau mai stiu eu ce . Eu nu inteleg de ce nu ar da...
I added this in C:/Windows/System32 and works fine . Also scanned it with antivirus. Hope it helped you .
One suggestion : At eat you should have something like : Code: if( health < 100 ) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20, 366.0248, -73.3478, 1001.5078)) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid,...
For that i was looking right now . Thanks a lot .
Introduction: I was bored these days and i tried to do something \'new\' i think , because i needed this type of filescript and i cannot find somewhere .. ( the idea i don\'t think it\'s original ) ....
Anyone ? It compile but don.t work . Even if i add a sendclientmessage when i enter as a passenger ... (no message appear on screen ) Any other idea ?
Ok , please check this , i am really newbie , but i like scripting and want to learn. Код: for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new veh; veh = ...
Hei , I made few days ago a simple /fare command for taxi drivers , like when i type it will appear to all players screen a message : Taxi driver x is on duty , call him on y . First question , i can...
I also have another idea but i am limited by my pawno knowledge . for example i am a cop ( i have an if for that ) , and by a command /confiscate (playerid) i want to set playervariable carlic to 0 if...
thanks for the answer . i will check it tomorrow.
Hei , i am new there , before present myself , i want a little help ( i am newbie in scripting ) . I made these days one command that return to player his licenses status. I want to know how i can ma...