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1) Add the box and when someone gets a kill it updates, when they die it reset's to 0. 2) Do that exactly but how would I make it so you can change the score at any time ingame?! Thanks.
You clearly didn't read what I wrote.
Has anyone got iSniper TDM .pwn file? I know this isn't the place but I need it badly!
The minute it was "Connected. Joining the game..." the server shuts off, anyone know why?
Urmm pawn Код: stock GetName(playerid){    new        Name[24];    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, 24);    return Name;} (dunno if this would work..) GetPlayerName(playerid); < Try it ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Scripter12345 I am trying to make it so when a player does /adminduty that players name changes ( I have already done that ) but want i want it to do is when yo...
I already got the vehicle respawn command:P, I mean like, how would I make a command to save the vehicle to a .ini file in scriptfiles? and load the vehicles when the server restartes or something?
Hello, How would I make a despawn command for all spawned vehicles? (/veh [id] for admins, to despawn these cars) Also, How would I make a spawn command which saves cars my ServerData file and load...
Hello, I made a blank script and for some reason it makes enterable shops? How can I stop this.. Like in SP, you get those yellow arrows and if you walk in it you can enter it.. I wanna stop this. ...
I think it's something inside my script. how would I find out?
Didn't work, Still no dialog comes up!
Im using YIni and this is really annoying me! Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { if(fexist(UserPath(playerid))) { INI_ParseFile(UserPath(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = tr...
Sorry can I sort this out aswell? if pRegged is set to 1 then it doesn't show the dialog for the player when they connect again! here is my OnPlayerConnect! Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {...
Ok, I sorted the dialog out which works fine, but I want to force spawn a player once they entered there password and load there last position, without using a timer!(if there is another way) EDIT: I...