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Question! Is there a way to query two strings?
It is not, because not only that I have seen the value of the health after being set, through GetPlayerHealth. I have also tested it by asking people to shoot me, and counting the number of shots take...
It's kinda weird though, I've seen many servers with godmode (where they set the health to 9999) and I also remember doing so in the far past.
Kinda cheers me up that it has nothing to do with my scripting. But I'd still like to fix it.
Add this at the top of your script: PHP код: new gPlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];  And change the function to: PHP код: if(gPlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=1) return SendClie...
This is a gamemode I started from scratch, I have never defined maximum health.
Well, I have a /health command, that's supposed to set the player's health to the amount I choose. It somewhat works, but if I set someone's health to somewhere above 250 (not sure if 250 is the EXACT...
Try this: pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    new Query[80],string[128];    format(Query,sizeof(Query),"SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = `%s` LIMIT 1;",GetName(playerid)); ...
Like I said, I think you are missing the include. Quoted from the "How to Install" (from the original plugin thread) Quote: Add to your /pawno/includes/ and add "#include <mys...
Are you sure you have the include? When you download the MySQL plugin, there is a file you need to put in the plugins folder, a file that needs to go to the main directory folder (only if you use Wind...
Quote: Originally Posted by dusk Nobody will read 500 lines... Sorry, but that's the truth. ^^He pretty much said it. Try to find out yourself, if you are the one who created this mode ...
What about this? I tested it briefly and it seems to work pretty fine, I'd still like to hear others' opinions. PHP код:         case 2: // Login         {          ...
SetPlayerWorldBounds Unfortunately, I couldn't find a proper tutorial, just define the x min & x max, and the y min & y max. For example, go to the most western spot of LV (your boundary) and ...
I am the only one in the server.. And it doesn't happen during a specific function. It happens when I gmx the server.
It happened again, this time it provided me with more information (module name I think) By the way I am using BlueG's MySQL plugin, version 7 PHP код: SA-MP Server: 0.3x Exception At Add...