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Firstly, I totally agree on that your description of player sync, it makes my mind clear. Which ought to be arguments is just the topic "The server runs on a single thread", and text,dialog,etc sync. ...
A great tutorial for scripters about SA-MP sync, I've learnd some more about sa-mp sync from it.^^ But there're few arguments in this thread, still. Quote: The server runs on a single th...
Quote: Originally Posted by EliranPesahov It's good you put more weapon then I do. However, not every weapon should be. also there are only 5 index, and it's not supporting each skin. That...
Quote: Originally Posted by Alec This is definitely one of the best, but it lacks accuracy, some of the weapons get engulfed by the skins. Would be great if you could fix the offsets for "...
Quote: Originally Posted by caldaia33 Why not the shotgun??if u want a rambo, do a real rambo :P He's OG'Loc, not Rambo xD BTW, where to put for suiting if equip Shotgun
Updated:2011, Jan, 7th Fix a major issue which would probably waste bandwidth.
Код: This is a part of a OpenGTA subject, visit for more info. FilterScript Name: Armed body Description:Attatch weapond to player's body Author:yezizhu Special thanks:Doubl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sergei Код: public OnGameModeInit(){ SetGVarInt("textdraw_gamemode",_:TextDrawCreate(bla...)); return true; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){ ...
How to use gvar to store a tag:variable without compiler warning 213: tag mismatch. eg: Код: public OnGameModeInit(){ SetGVarInt("textdraw_gamemode",TextDrawCreate(bla...)); return true; }...
Thanks both, it seems I can solve some unexplained crash now. Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Also, both your "dbr" and "object" variables are stored on the stack - which is temporar...
Quote: Originally Posted by MrTrane Remove the "|" from the highlighted line, or is this your mouse? It is my mouse
I've found some scripters use this code below Код: db_free_result(db_query(db_example,"SELECT * FROM example_table")); Does func"db_free_result" has any effect here? I think it does no effect, cu...
Quote: Originally Posted by Norn Invalid coordinates maybe? Hmm, that wouldn't cause the crash though. Strange... Nothing special on that coordinates So it is probably a samp bug