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Quote: Originally Posted by MP2 Very easy. Put the command(s) you wish to have available at the top of OnPlayerCommandText. Under that command: pawn Code: if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "InDM"...
Hi, I'm trying to disable all comands except one from a filterscript. Basicly, when a player enters to a DM, his commands are disabled, except /pm. I'm using pVars because the DM is in the gamemode,...
Quote: Originally Posted by DaTa[X] pawn Код: CreateDynamicPickup(1254, 2, 1119.1455, 20441.7754, 160.9002, -1,  -1, -1, Float:distance = 100.0); Doesn't work. I even tried to cr...
I've read the strcat syntax, but was not sure of where the name should go in. Anyway, thanks a lot. It compiles fine.
Quote: Originally Posted by KingJohny I can Show You one Put your friends dick in your ass.Easy 3< Very helpful, KingJohny. I can see where that reputation of -77 comes from.
Quote: Originally Posted by Harti Use strcat instead of format. Could you please show an example? I don't know how Strcat would go here. Thanks.
Hi, I'm having an issue with a command. Basicly what I'm trying to do is make a command which shows me names of all players in an event. It works fine with SendClientMessage, but fills my chat with na...
Oh, my mistake! It's working now. Thanks a lot, guys!
Hi, I'm trying to make a command which sends me a message with all players with a variable on state true. This is how my code looks: Код: if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/seeplayers",true) == 0) { for(new ...
Oh, I see. I'll change the attached object's colour then. Thanks a lot.
Hi, basicly that. How can I use SetPlayerAttachedObject with a different texture? I've tried with this code: Код: new attached; attached = CreateObject(1305, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if(str...
Hi, I've recently seen that a pickup can't be created far away from the San Andreas Map. When I create a pickup at a map located on the sea, very far away, the pickup doesn't show up. This is my cod...
Hi, my ports are already forwarded. I've just discovered that other people connect to my server through my external ip, but I have to connect through my local ip. I tested it, and it works. Don't kno...
Hi, I just opened my server on 7777 port. I can connect through my local ip, but not through my external ip. I've asked other people if they see my server ON, and yes. They can even connect to it. Th...
Hi, I have a question about SetObjectMaterial. I'm trying to give a "blank" texture to an object, in order to make it invisible. So, the texture must have an opacity value of 0. However, I haven't fou...
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 Oops, my fault! Change [playerid] to [MAX_PLAYERS]. It compiled fine. I'm going to test it now. Thanks, RealCop288.
I'm getting following error: Код: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero It's on this line: Код: bool:g_Invisible[playerid] = false; Thanks.
Hi, I'm wondering whether there's some way to make a player invisible to other players. I've read that making a desync with a player on OnPlayerUpdate can do something similar. Also, that putting a p...
Mi problema es el siguiente: Necesito bloquear todos los comandos al entrar en un DM. Estoy usando PVar para eso. El problema es que no sй cуmo usarlo para que no puedan escribir comandos que hay en...
Quote: Originally Posted by the_chaoz utiliza: pawn Код: forward OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup(playerid, pickupid); Sigue pasando :S.