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Show your command if you want me to do it. Otherwise just do this: The place where you create the vehicle just do do this pawn Code: new veh = CreateVehicle(vID,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]+3,pos[3],-1,-1,...
I think you just missed some brackets. Try this: pawn Code: forward StartEngine(playerid);forward DamagedEngine(playerid);public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate){    new vid, Name[24...
Show the part where you are trying to respawn them.
Yes, I have tried that. Should have mentioned it. I got a few of these kinds of things, all with unknown@... I guess those are like stock functions? not sure how to get them to show the name. Quote:...
I am having problems with excessive CPU usage in my gamemode script. It only started crashing just recently. I cannot pinpoint when it started or what I've added that may have caused it because I've a...
What you would do is something like this: pawn Код: SetPlayerTeamFromClass(playerid, classid){    switch (classid)    {        case 266,211,265,267,283,284,71,286://These will be cop skins...
Alright, heres what you asked for: pawn Code: public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success){    new pip[16];    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)    {        GetPlayerIp(i, pip, s...
You could just disable rcon by putting Code: rcon 0 in the server config file
Another thing I should add is that it only happens and gets worse when I have a lot of players on (25-40) and when I have 0 players on it runs below 2% CPU usage. Thats the reason why its so hard to t...
Did you even read my whole post? I always keep my code neat and efficient but I must have added something recently that made it happen all the sudden.
I am having problems with excessive CPU usage in my gamemode script. It only started crashing just recently. I cannot pinpoint when it started or what I've added that may have caused it because I've a...
You can remove a window visually if you find the index id for it. Juse use this: SetObjectMaterial(object, indexid, 0, "none", "none", 0);
Put this under your pawn Code: public Server() pawn Code: if(GetPVarInt(i, "RobbingPizza") == 1){    new string[120]; new pname[24]; GetPlayerName(i, pname, 24);    new rand = random(500000); ...
Try this Put this on your /kill command before it sets the players health to 0: pawn Код: if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"iscaged") == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xB90004FF, "You are caged. You...
Try this, I think it should work for the gamemode you are using. pawn Code: CMD:robstore(playerid,params[]){    if(!IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid)) {        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_E...
Show this function pawn Код: ClearChar(playerid);
You are probably just using this to get access to somebody elses rcon after you give them a script.
You forgot to include Float:range which is The furthest distance the player can be to be in range. so it would be pawn Код: if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,1.0, 295.8104,-38.5144,1001.5156))//...
The point of this piece of code is to find if a player is on the back of a bike without anyone on the front and if they have a gun then set the player armed weapon to fists. Then if someone gets on th...