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Should work. Code: CMD:admins(playerid, params[]) { new count = 0, string19[256]; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, ""); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "|======== On...
your host will need to configure mysql server to be accessible from the internet. If you have access to the machine's root user then you can do it yourself. ****** a little bit on how to make MySQL se...
Or you can keep the variable but set it to unused. Код: #pragma unused Airlineid
Try to add this in the bottom of apache2.conf/httpd.conf file. (If you haven't already) Code: Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf or Code: Include /etc/phpmyadmin/lighttpd.conf Depending on what y...
Make sure that your include files match the plugin files. Download mysql R5, streamer's latest version and sscanf's latest version and replace all your include and plugin files with the new ones.
You have completely failed in that script. The way you made /refuel command will restore fuel to you and to everyone else who is currently in a vehicle, driver seat and not refuelling. Even after usin...
That should work. Didn't test it, didn't even compile it so if there are any errors report them here or fix them yourself. Code: #define DESTROY_VEHICLE_DISTANCE 50.0 COMMAND:fire(playerid, params[...
Programming languages are case sensitive, meaning that if you are calling OnLoadAtms but you have forwarded OnLoadATMS the script will simply not find the callback and will skip executing it while OnL...
That should work, the only thing you need to do is changing cmdtext to params, and creating the tmp variable which was not defined. Код: CMD:sellmarijuana(playerid, params[])//Line 3912 { if(IsP...
INI_WriteString is for writing new values on an INI file. So that is what will be made in the end: Quote: Originally Posted by Nabster this is my config file i tried your code,now it sho...
Quote: Originally Posted by Nabster Not working its gives me errors What errors are you getting? Post them please.
Quote: Originally Posted by arlindi Soo i need just R6 Plugin ? Yes, although I would recommend R39 and threaded queries but you can keep R6. But delete all the others from your config ...
That one should work: Код: CMD:changepass(playerid,params[]) { new newstring[128]; new newpass[129]; if(PInfo[playerid][Logged] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,STEALTH_BLU...
Код: [04:53:22] Loading plugin: [04:53:22] > MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded. [04:53:22] Loaded. [04:53:22] Loading plugin: [04:53:22] plugin.mysql: R20 succe...
Код: hInfo[i][HID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "ID"); cache_get_field_content(i, "Owner", hInfo[i][Owner], mysql); hInfo[i][Owned] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Owned"); hInfo[i]...
Try to update the streamer after CreateDynamicObject Код: public startRobbery(playerid) { ClearAnimations(playerid); ApplyAnimation(playerid, "ROB_BANK", "CAT_Safe_Rob", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); ...
Had that issue and fixed it by updating the streamer right after CreateDynamicObject and before EditDynamicObject Код: ObjectInfo[idx][oidx] = CreateDynamicObject(ObjectInfo[idx][oid], ObjectInfo...
Use something that: Код: public OnGameModeInit() { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++) { new str[32]; format(str, 32, "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `houseID` = '%...