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Quote: Originally Posted by Ultra-Gaming Only recently my gta sa has started to lag beyond belief, When i join any server or single player to just lags and lag i could run the game on the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kreyg Hello Russell, This letter is to inform you that I will be enacting part 5 of the NDA you had with Hot Blooded Gaming, as you've breached, and violated p...
Little suggestion, make it possible to select your virtual world and interior while in the editor, if you need certain objects in certain vws it becomes tedious to have to add that in manually.
I havn't tested this yet, but this is a really great idea. From the sounds of this though the more checkpoints and areas you use the slower it will be is that correct?
Quote: Originally Posted by Y_Less Do you have write permissions and the correct folder structure (included in YSI)? What do you mean by write permissions? If you mean am i able to wri...
I was just messing with this a bit and I couldn't get it to work so I ran your code just how it was in the first post, and it isn't printing anything at all in the console after i do /settext and rest...
Looks to me like you guys forgot to upload all of the .cfg files (ie families.cfg jobs.cfg etc) Most of the file loading is done together in OnGameModeInit() pawn Код: [08:58:49] [debug] #0 nati...
Quote: Originally Posted by pds2012 @ HimSelf i know those, im just asking if its possible so i could use less variables @Roko_Foko thanks, for the info HimSelfs example is still bett...
Quote: Originally Posted by Da_Noob Under OnPlayerConnect pawn Код: SetTimerEx("HideText", 20000,  0, "i", playerid); You can change the 20000 to whatever you want. 20000 = 20 secon...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** None of you understand the point of a relational database! Don't put all the objects for a house in that houses row at all! Make a separate table for obj...
Quote: Originally Posted by iggy1 You don't see the problem in your query output? pawn Код: `Obj2Rx`,`Obj2R`Obj599X`, Missing a comma there between obj2r and obj559x. You could vas...
Okay so I tried increasing the string sizes to 5000 just to make sure that not enough cells wasn't the problem but all that did was make the server console stop responding then crash eventually
Okay so I am trying to set up these fields in the table "Obj1X","Obj1Y","Obj1Z" and so on all the way to Obj600X can anyone tell me why this isn't working? PHP код:     new bstring[256],...
What he is asking is what is the default damage when a player is standing to close to another player to shoot them, in wich point you get put in an elbow animation. I am not sure what the exact damage...
PHP код: forward public UpdateData(playerid);public UpdateData(playerid){    new        Query[200],        name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]    ;    GetPlayerName(playerid, ...
Or you could use an array to make it easy to add/edit radio stations.
Quote: Originally Posted by VincentDunn In the line pawn Код: INSERT INTO `Houses` (`EnterX`,`EnterY`,`EnterZ`,`EnterVw`,`EnterInt`,`Set`,`Owned`,`Price`)VALUES (`pPos[0]`,`pPos[1]`,`p...
PHP код: CMD:createhouse(playerid,params[]) {     new price;     if(sscanf(params,"d",price)) return SCM(playerid,-1,"USAGE:/createhouse [house price]"); //    if(pInfo[playeri...
That works!, thank you for your help.
Quote: Originally Posted by iggy1 Also probably not the best idea to load values from a database, then use them as an index to an array without bounds checking. That could lead to serious ...