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Hello, Can I SetPlayerPos at exit checkpoint ? I think I can't set the player pos at exit checkpoint while other gamemode can .. I want something like when player enter entrance checkpoint then the pl...
Quote: Originally Posted by hwakinsRP Код: [01/12/2014 12:45:06] [debug] Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx [01/12/2014 12:45:06] [debug] AMX backtrace: [01/12/2014 12:45:06] ...
Quote: Originally Posted by UltraScripter hmm i dont know never tried u should try and see if it works Can you tell me the correct Format Syntax for Checkpoint variables? ?
Quote: Originally Posted by UltraScripter you mean pawn Код: SetTimerEx("Test", 1000, false, "i", playerid); pawn Код: forward Test(playerid);public forward(playerid){     SetP...
Can you give me the mysql log file ?
MYSQL R39-2 Download the new one and I tell you how to work it .
Hello friends ! Does the SetTimerEx function let me to send a variables ? Such as a checkpoint id ? I Hope you can help me with this question
Quote: Originally Posted by Sparke put the .dll's in your system22 thing Nevermind . FIXED ! Thank you
Hello SAMP User's, I'm got a problem with MSVCR100.dll and other .dll files. Here is the image : After that , I done place it on SAMP folder and get this log: PHP код: [14:07:36]  [14:07:36]...
Where can I get the mysql.dll ? pls Someone help with compile it ._.
RELEASED: PLUZ UCP Introductions Hello, This is my first released User CP . This user CP has been name 'Pluz'. This CP too using MYSQLi . So if you want use this you need a SQL Base. Current Versio...
Awesome . Will use it at my server.
Quote: Originally Posted by CrazyChoco Awesome, i might gonna build something Like that :3 Ahaha . Thank you for the word "Awesome" . hmm Are you sure?
Quote: Originally Posted by XtremeR thats pretty cool, any download link?? +rep Thank you for the rep . BTW, This CP is in maintenance . Need to code something . Not fully Scripts xD.
Introductions: Hello, This is my first i'm release User CP . This user CP has been name 'Pluz'. This CP too using MYSQL . So if you want use this you need a SQL Base. I'm just want to discuss with th...