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--Plugins need updated-- download newer plugins put them in the plugins folder open server in pawno compile gamemode put name of plugins in server.cfg then hit save then run server and should work --...
Awsome map 10/10 keep up the maps
Umm not that i know of its not like you are beaking rules if lots of other people do it O.o guess gota read there ToS unless you release it then it is
Quote: Originally Posted by undeR. Support...what support? -.-' they will never response...i have to fix VPS... i dont use vps so i cant tell you how long they will reply but if they do...
update plugins/includes then recompile gamemode you'r vps problem contact them they will sort it out on there end
Quote: Originally Posted by Элиот I searched for it, it's not implanted. Код: DestroyDynamicCP. Have you updated you'r streamer plugin ?
Serch for Код: DestroyDynamicCheckpoint(ID); Then remove it and it should work
Streamer plugin How to install? Just copy the files and put them into there folders Open up server.cfg and put streamer on the plugins line Compile you'r gamemode with new streamer in pawno Open ...
Quote: Originally Posted by James_Nick What's the point of your post btw that's my sigunature so you don't need to comment on it -_- sorry its just funny when u tryna rip people off lol...
I guess the server you joined are strict as hell only thing i can suggest is speak to server owner and ask for a unban appeal get a new server lol Quote: Originally Posted by James_Nick ...
FilterScript Try this it may be close to what you are looking for
Quote: Originally Posted by Яlackon thanks ... you'r very welcome
mobile system there is a mobile phone system aka cell phone
Here Check that link that should help you Its TPluginHandler
Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/punemuzica", true) == 0 ) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] == 17) { new r_nr[256]; r_nr = strtok(cmdtext, idx); new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float...
Код: new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Distance = 50.0; GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Ai inceput mixul in ritmurile radio Inferno"); PlayAudioStreamF...