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Quote: Originally Posted by MadeMan In /sellhouse it should be 'id' not 'playerid' pawn Код: Player[id][OfferedHouse] = 1; But house comes when i do /sellhouse [MyHouseID] [MYID]...
Pretty much when if i sell the house to myself and then i type /acceptbuyhouse, It sends me a message saying i bought my own house and i think it edits the scriptfiles but when i try to sell it to oth...
Pretty much when if i sell the house to myself and then i type /acceptbuyhouse, It sends me a message saying i bought my own house and i think it edits the scriptfiles but when i try to sell it to oth...
I have been trying to make a sell house command but i dont think it is writing the new owner to the file If you need more code just tell me Please Help Me Please pawn Код: command(sellhouse...
Thank You Im trying to make it so if your a admin of any business( does not need to be owned by you ) you can un lock it Please Help Me Please
Why is not this not un locking the business id i put in where i do the command pawn Код: command(alockbusiness, playerid, params[]){    new businessid[45], string[12];    if(Player[playerid]...
Quote: Originally Posted by MP2 You need the 0.3d+ includes. If you have them, you probably have multiple pawno copies. What includes do i need
Quote: Originally Posted by awsomedude I Think This May Help My dialog line is fine or is it not Thank You Please Help Me Please
Quote: Originally Posted by IceCube! Do you have the latest SAMP includes? This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 69 seconds. Yes i do, I hav...
Ok, I have been searching so much and i just find find a fix for this, I have updated all of my plugins, tried doing #define DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD i have tried to many things but it keeps saying undef...
So i have been making a house system and its nearly done, I just have one problem, When i go to enter the house by pressing the crouch button, It does nothing but it is suppose to put me in the house ...
How comes my house saves but writes nothing in the file Here is the code pawn Код: #define HPATH "/Houses/%s.ini" pawn Код: stock HousePath(playerid){    new string[128],playername[MA...
Quote: Originally Posted by Zaila pawn Код: CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[]){    new Usage[128], string[128];    if(sscanf(params, "z", Usage)) return SendClientMessage(playerid...
Can you see the problem Thank You Please Help Me Please