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Quote: Originally Posted by RyDeR` Important fix! Guess I just found why some commands would work and some would not. For some reason I used break to stop the loop when the index wasn't f...
Quote: Originally Posted by RyDeR` As I see this command system is getting more and more attention, I've planned to re-write this with many bug fixes (if there are), performance tweaks and...
PHP код: forward onPlayerListBans ( playerid ) ; public onPlayerListBans ( playerid ) {     new              idx ,         data [ 3 ] [ 32 ] ,    Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gryphus One Sorry but I have just tried this and it doesn't work, I have just tried to make the typical /kill command with this: pawn Code: rCmd[]->kill(pl...
Imagine that there is a command /example blah blah blah. How do I get out of it only command /example without subsequent text?
Who can say what the starting memory address 0.3d and 0.3e sump to unlock? Also, what memory addresses 0.3d and 0.3e customers
PHP код: format ( szTranslate , sizeof ( szTranslate ) , URL , szTranslateStartEng , szTranslateEndEng , szTranslateText ) ; HTTP ( playerid , HTTP_GET , szTranslate , ...