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O_O That indentation... Hurts My Eyes! Great job bro
Can you explain how can I make a top 3 players online with this? What I'm trying to do is I've made a textdraw which should show 1. [NAME] [MapKills] 2. [NAME] [MapKills] 3. [NAME] [MapKills] ...
The Guff Newbie friendly file related functions pawn Код: stock LoadGObjectsFromFile(const filename[])stock LoadGAddStaticVehiclesFromFile(const filename[])stock LoadCreateVehiclesFromFile(const ...
Well, I'm working another include, GObject, It's gonna be basically loading objects from a file in scriptfiles. Now here's the problem: pawn Код: stock LoadObjectsFromFile(filename[]){    new ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Shadow_ This is pretty simple stuff, but its good i guess. You could make it better by using a more efficient storing method ( maybe SQL? ) Also within the 'W...
Quote: Originally Posted by Biesmen A log usually prints the exact time the log function has been executed. You could try to add this Added. It'll be released in V0.1, I'll release the...
The Gogger Advanced log creating and saving by Gangs a.k.a CreativityLacker Functions: pawn Код: forward CreateLog(logname[]);forward WriteInLog(logname[], string[]); Code pawn Код: /*The G...
pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){    mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password);    mysql_debug(1); //for some reason it doesnt debug, go ingame    mysql_query("C...
[11:57:54] MySQL Debugging activated (08/26/12) [11:57:54] --------------------------- [11:57:54] [11:57:54] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 ) [11:57:54] CMySQLHandler::Query() - You can...
You need to make a more dynamic system, Your current system doesn't store which team owns the zone, or if it's being attacked or not. You need to store that data. Next, You're using a very inefficie...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince What I've noticed in-game is that some pickups (health, armor) actually DO have their own effect. Or at least with some pickup types. I know this because ...
Usage and explanation of miscellaneous functions - Part 1 Hi there guys, Okay, So I've created this tutorial to explain how you can use miscellaneous functions and use them to make better servers, fi...
sscanf version to use this on targets : pawn Code: CMD:cuff(playerid,params[]){    new targetid, reason;    if(!sscanf(params, "us[40]", targetid, reason))    {        SendClientMessage(ta...
Bump + I'm gonna use this in GADMIN soon
So you mean static == new. Both give same shit?
Okay, I'm making a SII/MYSQL based saving + admin system and I'm optimizing the code now. So, I want to know some stuff: What is the difference between new and static? Which one should be used to se...
new gGod[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Set it to 1 when the godmode is switched on // Set it to 0 when player enters DM // Add : if(gGodMode[playerid] == 0) { // CODE } else { gGodMode[playerid] = 0; //// SHIT...
im using SII,+ I didnt understand what you said ...
Okay, So what I wanna do is: I wanna read object lines, Pickup lines and spawn lines from .txt files. These objects and pickups and spawns change on every map. I know HOW to read stuff from a file i...