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Quote: Originally Posted by NewerthRoleplay Could you also put a pastebin link? Yes, fact! Quote: Originally Posted by VerticalGaming Do you mean Textdraw/SetObjectMaterial ...
Callsign System Useful command: /callsign - /deletecallsign This script allows you to create one 3DTextLabel in your vehicle, this script is suggested for Roleplay server or Cops and Robbers. This i...
Unity Station Construction I made this map for my server, to allow the player to be able to roleplaying within this site. To use the elevator, just press Y near the writing. Elevator Script pawn...
Quote: Originally Posted by DanishHaq Are you sure you've got pawn Код: #include <a_mysql> At the top, and you're running non-threaded queries? I've this: PHP код: #i...
Hello, when i go to compile my pawno file, i receive these errors! PHP код: error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_fetch_row_format" error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_fetch_field_row"  er...
I want to change this command and make it usable through dialog. Example have a list with all options "license plate, vehicle, person and so on." and if for example I choose "plaque" I get a dialog DI...
Hello, i've got this code: Код: { format(str,sizeof(str),"Informazioni Business\n%s\n\nCosto entrata: $%d\nUsa /enter per entrare in questo edificio",BizInfo[i][bName],BizInfo[i][bEntranceFee...
Ah, and how could I do this? Could you post an example? I'm still a beginner with those kind of scripts.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dwane Few braces with a different angle. pawn Code: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid){    if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID...
I've this error with this code: Code: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid) { if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && IsPlayerConnectedEx(issuerid)) { if(ta...
Hi, I use Hostspree. I created a database, a user name and password. Only that when I go to immittere data in the gamemode is not established. In the database host do not know what to put, I tried sev...
Quote: Originally Posted by [HK]Ryder[AN] in the host you need to put the ip.. if the server is located on the same ip or server, then just put localhost does not work
Hi, I use Hostspree. I created a database, a user name and password. Only that when I go to immittere data in the gamemode is not established. In the database host do not know what to put, I tried sev...
Hello, i've Virtual Country Roleplay but i've a one problem. When i write the command / opentrunk asks me to do the command / trunk (I presume to open the trunk), but this command does not exist. I do...
Can you give me the package for the object?
I have a problem with the object. I can not see the object mapped with MTA but I see another object.