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two possibilities, either it is script related or it is related to something not samp related but its happening outside of the server. Try running it locally and check if it crashes by that time, if i...
normally that error is caused when the { }are not positioned correctly. For example PHP код:     if(<something>)           {  This could cause a loose identation warn...
there you go: http://code.******.com/p/samp-stream...downloads/list remember to add streamer or to your .cfg file
Solved. thanks both @LeMoi that wasn't what i was looking for but it came out usefull aswell. @Juniiro3 that did the trick <3.
Hello, i dont know if i should make a thread for each question. Anyway here it goes... I am making a /changename cmd wich is almost finished. The only missing part is the part to detect if the playe...
heya , i have a question lets say i have variable lol example new lol; lol = "alalalalala"; i want to get the number of characters inside the variable in this case the output would be 11. Please ...
It is still crashing, the server doesn't totally closes, it just freezes, nobody can connect and who'ever was connected before cant do anything but also doesnt get disconnected, and even if they /q th...
i managed to fix that othertimer2 and all the bugs detected by crashdetect, however the problem remains.. I have created a folder called SBizzes wich was missing, i will check if it is related to that...
Hello, i have been experiencing probably the worst nightmare bug i could ever had... Basically i can start my server, i can connect, but when the second player connects my server crashed. When this ha...
Hello, i have two questions: How do i get the number of currently spawned objects? another question: i managed to get the closest object id, so lets say objectid = GetClosestDynamicObject(playerid)...
hello, my gamemode is not allowing the player to spawn AFTER death. when i login i can spawn normally. but when i die this is what happens: my onplayerspawn: Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)...
Quote: Originally Posted by Leo Delvecchio Not necessarily man. If they thought it would just have a few minor problems, they would postpone it till they fixed the problems, and might have...
Hello. I am thinking of starting to develop a client-sided Gameguard to ensure the security, it would be scanning the gta sa folder and its files for suspicious modifications and hacks after this step...
For the virtual world: Well you would have to create a folder for properties and making it save on the number.ini for example if you would create a house , the first one would be saved on number
Quote: Originally Posted by spedico pawn Код: new fstr[128];      for (new f=0;f<=9999;f++) // line of the error      {          format(fstr,sizeof(fstr), "Vehicles/
Hello, i made this thread to try to solve a few problems and also to improve my knowledge in pawno. Allright first one: Update: Solved by MySelf Decided to remove it, because it was too stupid. Seco...
Is this still valid too? Quote: if(!IsValidVehicle(cartarget)) { // case vehicle doesnt exist } ...
Okay well while i was developing my code i've got the most stupid error ever... When i put this: pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pC1Locationx] = 0;                            PlayerI...
the problem is that way i am not able to lock the car. Since it is no longer related to the vehicle ID. hell what a headache