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Try to escape only the fields not the whole string at once. I.E Escaping inputtext from dialog: Код: mysql_escape_string(inputtext, inputtext); new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string), "UP...
Debug those positions and make sure they haven't the same values
We need some sql logs, anyway you can try to print the query on server console and then paste it directly into your DBMS, it should give you some error and then it's easier to make it work. This is ju...
Check if the total errors number is 26, if yes you messed up some brackets
1 minute = 60 seconds 1 second = 1000 ms then 1 minute = 60000 ms So time/60000 gives you time in minutes
If you want us to help you, show us the code and then maybe we can find where you're wrong EDIT: I've checked the samp limits page ( and there is nothing about l...
Hello dudes, I've made a script to load actors and it works fine utill I have to place them into a mapped interior, as I undestood the streamer plugin do not load objects for actors so they fall down....
You probably have missed an opening or closing bracket { or } Check the last scripts you've done, or use a tool to check it (you can find it at Tool section of this forum)
pawn Код: for(new i=0; i < 150; i++){    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;    GetObjectPos(object[i], x, y, z);    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, x, y, z))    {        //Your...
Tried and still not works, the problem seems to be that the query do not find rows, but if I try the SAME code in Phpmyadmin it works perfectly...
EDIT: Error fixed, Trying the code
I have follow no tutorial, This is going to be called when you create the vehicle. I know InGame ids changes, so i use it on another variable called tID (tempID) that set his value with the current id...
The variable "Survival_RespawnItems" it's already declared, just change the name of the variable. You do not use the variable you have declared The code you've posted simply do nothing, declare a var...
I've now tried to call SetPlate on the INSERT INTO query, and tried to get the SQLid by cache_insert_id(); but always return 0...
Here's the log file Код: [16:54:01] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 2, query: "SELECT * FROM `car` WHERE tID = 1 LIMIT 1", callback: "SetPlate", format: "dd" [16:54:01] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::CMy...
I've talked about this error on my other topic, but I decided to post it as new one for few motivations: -The old topic contains a title of problem that have been fixed -This new topic with new name c...
Then, you need to add two fields in the account saves: -pIP -pBanned When the player connect to your server refresh the pIP field, and save it to his file. Edit your ban command, and before the Ban(i...
Just wait, for people to see your post... Anyway, you want a command where you write the name and it unban his character and is IP? like: /unban Hitter_Hitman And the account Hitter_Hitman gets unbann...
This is a code I found in this forum (I'm sorry I could not find the topic) pawn Код: stock SendRangedMessage(sourceid, color, message[], Float:range){    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;    Get...