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Okey, I have found the problem! Thank you ^^
Hey guys, I've got the following problem: My query has to look like: SELECT * FROM `xyz` WHERE `abc` LIKE '%FFF%' The % before and behind the FFF are very important, but I don't know how to put them ...
Quote: Originally Posted by woot I have the same problem as this guy; (he still has the problem) I so far was able to figure out that ...
Hey everyone, since updating to r34 i got the following error on server start: Код: [16:36:35] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket ...
Hey guys, i have a little problem. I have a string and want to split it. But I don't know, how long the string is and how many delimiter exist. So the string can be: "a-b-c-d-e" (delimiter is '-') or ...
Hey everyone. I'm writing a little filterscript, but my OnDialogReponse does not get called. In my gamemode OnDialogResponse return 1, in all my filterscripts it returns 0. Maybe someone can help me...
Hey everyone. Everytime when I user the mysql_GetString function, there is a % at the end of the string, that should not be there. Example: In my database there is a text field, utf8_swdish_ci with "...
Thank you - but there's already the next thing.... Now he stops after debug 3. Код: ClanInfo[EmptySlot][cAvailable] = false; Here is a mistake - but I do not find it. /edit: i know why - FindEmpt...
Yes, good idea. But it still does not work. The mistake seems to be in the FindEmptySlot Function... Код: stock CreateClan(playerid, clanname[]) { print("debug 1"); if(IsPlayerConnected(playe...
Nearly, I think. But I still do not know how to find the empty slot properly. Look - this is what I have. My clan system is divided in two parts. This is the part, in which i want to save things suc...
Hey everyone. I want to find the next empty slot in a two dimensional array. The function from the samp website does not work for me - i get a argument type mismatch (argument 1). Here's the code: Ð...
Hey everyone. In OnGameModeInit() is use this loop to create diffrent pickups. Код: for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PICKUPS; i++) { if(i < MAX_BAUTEIL_PICKUPS) { // 0 - 100 SetBauteilRa...
Hey guys. I have a problem with the function CreateDynamicPickup by incognito. First I use this, to save the created pickupid in an array: Code: BauteilInfo[pickupid][PickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Probably because you are starting at 1 - PAWN is 0 indexed. Thank you - that works. But the problem is not solved completely. To describe the system i...
Hey everyone, I have a little problem. Under OnGameModeInit I have 4 Loops, that should create Pickups on my server. Unfortunately they do not start - just the first one. Even if I change the order o...
Hey Guys. On a server i saw the market desigend like this: How can you do this?
Hey. Just a minute ago i found screens of some awesome maps and i have some question about them. Here are the screens:
Hey. I use the d3d9.dll for making an ingame overlay. Now i have the following problem: I've made an overlay and it works on all servers, except on one. When i connect on this server, i get always the...