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Quote: Originally Posted by StrondA_ Click encima do " announce ", e da permissгo para ser executado, ou seja, adicione 777 nos quadradinhos. mais й vps
o servidor liga mais nгo aparece na lista do samp alguem sabe o q fazer?
nгo aconteceu nada continua offline
como liberar a porta 7777 no linux?
Alguйm sabe um sistema vip bom que contйm o comando /setarvip ID Dias, que quando atingir os dias de vip setado o player perde o vip automaticamente, jб procurei e os que eu encontrei nenhum presta...
Friend this script decompiled, you will not compile.
Hello, I'm using this function to check if someone is using cheat more vehicles that are above 50 meters are pulled over do not return to previous position, only those above 20 and less than 50 meters...
Some players crash in a few places with this message -------------------------- SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2-800p Exception At Address: 0x0047EF13 Registers: EAX: 0x00000001 EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x...
--- Crashdetect v3.6.3 loaded Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: During execution of Itter_OnPlayerConnect(): Script[gamemodes\MyMode.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" /\ DOF2 \/ strea...
Quem jб usou os dois me de uma luz, por favor...
pawn Код: for(new i =0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)        {            if(IsPlayerConnected(i))            {                format(stringa,sizeof(stringa),"~y~MULTIKILLS: ~w~...
lol /\ quem йs tu fake do baigou? airiaria
i want to compare which variable out of 10 different ones has the highest value, but I'm not sure how to do it
like comparing which number is greater? stock number() { new i = 10; new ii = 20; new iii = 30; new iiii = 40; new iiiii = 50; new iiiii = 60; new iiiiii = 70; new iiiiiii = 80; new iiiiiiii...
but is there a function that can do that?
Quote: Originally Posted by Mateuscm Use the program Cpick... then you take the target and aim to the color at your screen... you will get something like that #XXXXXX then you transforme l...
how can i convert a car color number into a hex (0xRRGGBBAA) color?
usei o crashdetector e me veio isso apos o servidor cair: Server crash caused by native ShowMenuForPlayer() called at address 13fcc8 in 'gamemodes\meumode.amx' verifiquei todos comandos de menu e na...